“Alumni Network Team” Anthony Kadoma Ellen Lampert Tshering Lhamtshok Paz Magat
Mission To be a connected global network of communities engaged in social change that is visible, sustainable, and impactful. Goals/Objectives 1.To identify and grow the 100 Nodes of Change 2.To regenerate and sustain engagement of members in tandem with the greater Future Generations network 3.To give impetus to and enhance the field of social change
Approach Regional Reps liaise with members Solicit feedback Re-establish connections Write final proposal for Board of Trustees Present to Board of Trustees 6 mo. – 1 yr. Collect evidence: Network is viable Create structure for leadership and shape of network Short TermShort Term Long TermLong Term Scale Up/Out
Near/Short Term Activities Network Name
Near/Short Term Activities Definition of Membership Graduates Students who have not yet graduated Current students Faculty Staff CSO Board of Trustees
Near/Short Term Activities Visibility = $$$ Merchandising Messenger/Tote bags Best American Duffel bags Apparel: Caps/Hats, Shirts/Sweatshirts Pin Padfolio Mugs Keyholders Travel: Passport Wallet, Luggage Tags, Toiletry bags Pens Online Presence Graphic animation How the school works Look at our success Improved website Improved social networking App/Platform for Global Network Graduate School page links, including all FB pages Proof Involve network in upcoming activities Collection of Global Network member’s successes YouTube channel *Licensing
Near/Short Term Activities Communications & Network Platform
Near/Short Term Activities Alumni Collaboration Grant Review/revise criteria Eligibility includes fulfillment of graduation requirements Ensure that grant and proposals activities serve as SEEDs Davis Peace Prize Award requirements will inform if it falls within purview of Global Network
Near/Short Term Activities Collection of Evidence Base Initiative to collect and archive all examples of student success. Visibility: Marketing, Promotion, Recruitment Fundraising Assessment Accreditation Build robust Global Network Institutional best practices
Near/Short Term Activities Organizational Structure Liaison Archivist Info sharing from Graduate School Network engagement Reporting to Board and Global Network “Midwife / Midhusband” 6 mo. contract paid position 19 hours per week Create Global Network infrastructure Manage current programming Regional Representatives Communicate with regional members Collecting evidence of student success Hold accountability to Liaison and Midwife/Midhusband
Long Term Wish List Global Network inform SEED-SCALE Global Network engaged in faculty/institutional research Graduate School website features student practica and Global Network research Continuing education opportunities Teaching opportunities Residential “add on” Mentorship/Fellowship Current student sponsorship Recruitment Constitution
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