“The Great War” Or, "Some damn foolish thing in the Balkans,” (says Otto Von Bismarck) that sets off WWI!


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Presentation transcript:

“The Great War” Or, "Some damn foolish thing in the Balkans,” (says Otto Von Bismarck) that sets off WWI!

Question of Alsace-Lorraine? Disputed territory between France and Germany Led to the creation of alliances

Two Alliances lead to war… Triple Alliance Germany Austria-Hungary Italy Triple Entente France Great Britain Russia

The Spark that sets off the Powder Keg! June 28, 1914 Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian nationalist, assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary!

The Archduke and his wife Sophie arrive in Sarajevo                               

So here we go… Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Russia gathers troops to declare war on Germany and defend their ally, Serbia.

And then… Germany declares war on Russia and France, since France supported Russia’s actions! Germany invades NEUTRAL Belgium on August 4, 1914 (King Albert, Belgium)

There’s more…! Great Britain enters for Allies to defend Belgium British Prime Minister Asquith

The Opposing Sides Central Powers The Allied Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Turkey Bulgaria And all their allies and colonies! The Allied Powers Britain France Russia Italy (switches sides here!) And all their allies and colonies!

Where’s the U.S.A.? Staying outta this one! (Well, trying to…) But FAVORING their friend Great Britain! US President Woodrow Wilson declares NEUTRALITY MAP p. 455! p. 779 for the water.