The PYP Exhibition Information
Purpose a celebration of the transition of learner from primary to middle school an in-depth, collaborative inquiry demonstrate skills and learning – 5 Essential Elements take action about a real-life issue.
Essential features of the Exhibition The Learner Profileexhibits The Learner Profile Concepts.incorporates all the key Concepts. Transdisciplinary SkillsApplies all the PYP Transdisciplinary Skills explore and share knowledge of a subject matter that is significant and relevant.
Essential features of the Exhibition Display attitudes Engage in action Engage in learning together
Students must be involved in all stages from the planning to the final presentation: the issue the learning outcomes the activities the assessment.
The Exhibition should include: examples of written work oral presentations examples of technology performances in any medium – dance, drama, film, video, mixed media. Communication Through the Arts
How much time do students spend working on the Exhibition? The students will spend about 6 weeks working on their inquiries The final Exhibition date will be 25 th and 26 th May. The students will continue to have regular subjects during the Exhibition process, but a large part of each day will be used working on inquiries.
What about homework? Each student will have an Exhibition Workbook to help them manage research, group work, the process of the Exhibition and deadlines. Class time will be dedicated to this work, but there will be some homework. The children will use their time at home to research and prepare for the work in class. Much of the work will be done in class so the teacher can keep track of progress, but some work will be done at home.
The role of the parent Understand the Exhibition requirements. Keep informed about the process Support and encourage their children throughout the process. Encourage in-depth inquiry and respect of student ownership of the process. Celebrate with the students by attending the final presentations (May 26th) In Addition, please let us know if you are able to: provide knowledge or areas of expertise to any of the groups. Help to locate resources – people, places, media and information
What are we assessing? The PROCESS: including the Exhibition Journal, group work, collaboration, following the timelines and completing work on time. This includes assessing evidence of the student profiles and attitudes. The CONTENT: appropriate use of multiple resources, note-taking, data, use of experts, and the research report itself. The PRODUCT: The presentation of the final exhibition to a variety of audiences
We assess the process as well as the product. The students will keep an individual learning journal throughout exhibition that shows how their planning, thinking and goals have developed. Teacher anecdotal records are kept of students work and performance Assessment will be ongoing throughout the process and as a reflective tool for each student. A permanent record of the Exhibition is kept (planners, photographs, videos) The mentors guide student groups and help assess group process as well as time and task management.
Will there be a grade? The student, the mentor and the class teacher will each reflect on the Exhibition process and create a short summary of the experience. These summaries along with the Exhibition Workbook responses will constitute the final assessment. Please look through your child’s Exhibition Workbook for details.
Something for us all to remember… As with any inquiry there will be times when it seems that students are not being very productive. Sometimes there will be lot of discussion and thought but this will not result in anything that can be seen. Students (and adults) need time and space to wonder about things and consider their plans. This is why we place so much emphasis on the journals. They will show the understanding of concepts and application of skills (e.g. problem solving) more than the final product.
Transdisciplinary theme: How we express ourselves. An inquiry into: the ways in which we express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values the ways in which we reflect on, extend, and enjoy our creativity our appreciation of the aesthetic exhibition
Questions? Please feel free to ask any questions. You may call Chase School at any time to speak with your child’s teacher or with Mrs. Holmes
Bibliography Making it Happen 2010