John Walsh Determining the real value of on-farm Anaerobic Digestion Penderfynu gwir werth Treuliad Anaerobig (Anaerobic Digestion) ar y fferm
Measure crop yield Measure leachate levels Above findings will provide the basic information to determine accurate economic values for AD, for government and farmer Aims and Objectives Nodau ac Amcanion
Two soil types ◦ Conventional ◦ Organic Grass and grass/clover mix established 5 treatments ◦ Control; NPK; N; Fresh slurry; Liquid digestate ◦ Normalised for N content (150 kg ha -1 ) ◦ Applied via surface spreading 5 reps, 70% field capacity Managed for 15 weeks Three harvests Analysed for ◦ Yield (crop) ◦ Leachate: amount of N and P present (soil) ◦ Bacterial and fungal growth (soil) MethodsDulliau
Crop Yield Fresh slurry (FS) produced half the yield of liquid digestate (LD) in 3 out of 4 treatments No difference in yield between LD and NPK in 3 out of 4 treatments Leachate LD and FS statistically the same level of leachate NPK had more leachate than LD in all treatments ResultsCanlyniadau
Crop YieldCynnyrch Cnwd
Digestate had double the yield of fresh cow slurry in 3 out of the 4 treatments NPK cost £281/tonne At a rate of 150 kg N /ha, digestate saved £103/ha on fertilizer expenditure Simple valuation: introduction of AD doubles the value of a farmers organic fertilizer Fertiliser SavingArbed Gwrtaith
Mg/L NO 3 - Total NitrateCyfanswm Nitrad
Total AmmoniumCyfanswm Amoniwm
mg/L PO 4 Total PhosphateCyfanswm Ffosffad
AD: 500 kW 11.5 (p/kWh) AD: 500 kW 9.0 (p/kWh) Wind: 15 kW – 100 kW 24.1 (p/kWh) Wind: 100 kW – 500 kW 18.8 (p/kWh) Wind: 500 kW – 1.5 MW 9.4 (p/kWh) Current FITs price doesn’t reflect all benefits of AD Positive externalities of AD have not been valued Feed-in TariffsTariffau I’w Cynnwys
Doubles the value of fertilizer produced on farm. FIT’s and ROC’s under priced for AD Double advantage of reducing fossil fuel usage and cutting down on current GHG emissions Only renewable energy source to do this More nitrogen and phosphorus stays in the soil than inorganic fertilizers Conclusions: ADCasgliadau: AD
My supervisors for guidance: Prysor Williams, Gareth Edwards-Jones, Davey Jones AcknowledgementsDiolchiadau