Enquiry: Why was Matthew Hopkins able to become so successful?
1.Identify the key point of religious change in Henry’s life. 2.Explain why Henry started off the English Reformation. 3.Consider why becoming Protestants mad many people even more terrified of witches. How did Religious Change Make England Go Witch Mad?
Write what you see:
Wanted A
to be his
Spelt with an E instead of an A
but his
Catherine of Aragon was too
Henry VIII’ s girlfriend
Anne Boleyn was
thought she would give him a
if they got
wanted a
he needed permission from the
but the
away from the
and made himself
of the Protestant
So what do you think the first major problem we will be studying is?
A. Images of the Holy Mother and Christ brings us closer to God, and protect us from witches. F. You should worship God, not icons like the Holy Mother. They anger God, not help stop witches J. God speaks through the Holy Church, so the Holy Church has the power to stop witches. E. God speaks through the Bible ONLY. If you want protection, read the bible for guidance. G. The wealth of the Church pleases God. Powerful Church means great protection from witches C. If Jesus saw the wealth of the Church, he would be disgusted. D. The Pope is Gods representative on earth, and therefore ‘infallible’ (perfect). This made him the best man to lead the charge against witchcraft. H. The Pope is just a man. I. God’s will is the most important influence on earth. B. Charity is the way to please God. CatholicProtestant
Society Church Rulers The Cleverness of Hopkins and other witch finders
Images of the Holy Mother and Christ brings us closer to God, and protect us from witches. You should worship God, not icons like the Holy Mother. They anger God, not help stop witches God speaks through the Holy Church, so the Holy Church has the power to stop witches. God speaks through the Bible ONLY. If you want protection, read the bible for guidance. The wealth of the Church pleases God. Powerful Church means great protection from witches If Jesus saw the wealth of the Church, he would be disgusted. The Pope is Gods representative on earth, and therefore ‘infallible’ (perfect). This made him the best man to lead the charge against witchcraft. The Pope is just a man. God’s will is the most important influence on earth. Charity is the way to please God. CatholicProtestant