Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Static depth dependent dispersion compensation in a real-time static delay line grating-based correlation OCT system L. Froehly, P. Sandoz, L. Furfaro, M.Ouadour Institut FEMTO-ST; Département d’Optique P.M. Duffieux Besançon, France
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Dispersion problem in OCT 100 m Dispersion limits axial resolution Dispersion depends on the material thickness Dispersion decreases the Signal to Noise ratio
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Hardware correction S.L.S. M1M1 S1S1 O1O1 O2O2
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Hardware correction (rapid scanning delay line) K. F. Kwong, D. Yankelevich, K. C. Chu, J. P. Heritage, and A. Dienes, Opt. Lett. 18, 558- (1993) ->first demonstration for pulse measurements Rollins, S. Yazdanfar, M. Kulkarni, R. Ung-Arunyawee, and J. Izatt, Opt. Express 3, (1998) G. J. Tearney, B. E. Bouma, and J. G. Fujimoto, Opt. Lett. 22, (1997) ->Application of the system to TD-OCT system
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Numerical correction Phase correction in Fourier space Influence of the phase correction on the image contrast Quite time consuming
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Grating-based Tomographic system y z S.L.S. S1S1 M..: Mirror S: Polarizing beam splitter L 1 : Spherical lens S.L.S. : White light laser source C.B. : Polarizing beam splitter D : CCD R : Diffraction grating 530 gr/mm P : prism O… : Miroscope objectives E : Sample I (z) ztzt L1L1 M2M2 M3M3 C.B. D P O1O1 O2O2 R
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 M3M3 M2M2 R Principle I x↔z
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 y z S.L.S. S1S1 I (z) ztzt L1L1 M2M2 M3M3 C.B. D P O1O1 O2O2 R Absorption L. Froehly, M. Ouadour, L. Furfaro, P. Sandoz, T. Gharbi et al, Real-time optical coherence spectrotomography : proof of principle volume 6191 of Biophotonics and New Therapy Frontiers. SPIE, Apr
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 z z Optical Depth dependant dispersion compensation z
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Optical Depth dependant dispersion compensation : principle
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Optical Depth dependant dispersion compensation : principle
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Optical Depth dependant dispersion compensation : principle
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Optical Depth dependant dispersion compensation : validation
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Optical Depth dependant dispersion compensation : validation
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Optical Depth dependant dispersion compensation : validation
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Optical Depth dependant dispersion compensation : validation
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Future directions: lens effect on dispersion
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Future directions : lens effect on dispersion
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Future directions : catadioptrics systems y z S.L.S. S1S1 M2M2 M3M3 C.B. P O1O1 O2O2 R D
Munich, Germany June 2007ECBO 2007 Aknowldegments French ANR who finances this project Leukos innovative systems who provide us with microchip-based supercontinuums