The Sun and the Eight Planets At the center of our Solar System is the Sun.


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Presentation transcript:

The Sun and the Eight Planets

At the center of our Solar System is the Sun.

The Sun is almost 900,000 miles in diameter.

About 115 Earth’s could fit across the Sun.

Here’s a picture of Venus in front of the Sun.

Video of the Transit of VenusVideo of the Transit of Venus.

The Rocky Planets

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.

It is the smallest planet in the Solar System.


Venus is the 2 nd planet from the Sun & the 6 th largest planet in the Solar System.

Earth is the 3 rd planet and the 5 th largest planet.

Mars is the 4 th planet from the Sun and the 7 th largest.

Questions about MarsQuestions about Mars. Why is Mars RedWhy is Mars Red?

Characteristics of Rocky Planets: Small (less than 8,500 miles in diameter). Long days (24 hours to 243 days).

Characteristics of Rocky Planets: Short years (2 years to 88 days). Few moons (Mars -2; Earth – 1; Mercury & Venus -0).

The Gas Giants

Jupiter is the 5 th planet from the Sun and the largest planet.

Jupiter’s own little Solar SystemJupiter’s own little Solar System. Jupiter’s Red SpotJupiter’s Red Spot.

Saturn is the 6 th planet from the Sun and the 2 nd largest.

Wonders of the Solar System – SaturnWonders of the Solar System – Saturn.

Uranus is the 7 th planet from the Sun and the 3 rd largest.

Rings of UranusRings of Uranus.

Neptune is the 8 th planet from the Sun and the 4 th largest planet.

Neptune’s stormsNeptune’s storms.

Characteristics of the Gas Giants. Short days – 10 hours to 17 hours. Large – 88,000 miles to 30,000 miles.

Characteristics of the Gas Giants. Many moons – 27 to 63. Long years – 12 years to 165 years.