Today’s Agenda and Objective I can prepare for an interview. I can evaluate appropriate dress. I can use appropriate speaking and listening. Bellringer Brainstorming Activity Conflict Resolution Notes: Job Interview Process Job Interview Partner Activity Exit Slip: Professional Dress
Bellringer: List 5 questions you think would be asked at an interview. I can prepare for an interview. I can evaluate appropriate dress.
Brainstorming Activity: Chart STRENGTHS (What strengths do you know you have as an employee?) OPPORTUNITIES (What opportunities have you had to become a better employee?) WEAKNESSES (What weaknesses do you know you have as an employee?) Obstacles (What obstacles have you faced that have affected whether or not you become a better employee?)
Conflict Resolution: You might have conflicts… With coworkers With your boss With roommates With college professors During group projects
Rate yourself... Think about how well you have responded to conflicts with others in your life. Rate how well you typically handle the situation. Make sure you EXPLAIN your rating Absolutely awful So-so Absolutely perfect
The Break-Up How can this conflict best be resolved? clip 1 Clip 2 What are the options? How can they resolve the conflict using the steps on the next slide?
Answer the following for your scenario: 1. Identify the problem. 2. What are the facts? 3. What are the options and possible short and long term consequences for each? 1. What is the best choice? Why? OptionsConsequences 1) 2)
With your elbow partner, use the previous steps to resolve this conflict: You have just started working at a new office and you are trying very hard to impress your new boss. You like your job and want to make sure that you secure your employment with the company so you can eventually be promoted. Your boss approached you at the end of your shift one night and asked you to stay late and help him complete a project that is due tomorrow morning. You agree to stay late that night and he leaves shortly after and leaves you to finish by yourself. The next day, he praises your work and asks you to help with another project because you did such a good job. You notice on your next paycheck that you did not receive compensation for your overtime hours. When you ask him about this, he denies that he asked for your help and insists that you offered your time, so he says he will not pay you for the overtime.
Notes: How to answer an interview question Answer EVERY interview question in ACE format: A nswer the question directly C ite a specific example from your life demonstrating your answer. E xplain how your example proves your answer or relates to the job.
Notes: How to answer an interview question Answer EVERY interview question in ACE format: Ex: “Why are you the best candidate for this job?” “I am the best candidate for this job because I am creative and willing to try new things. For example, I helped design a new 11 th grade English curriculum with one other teacher centered around student choice. We were the only teachers willing to take the risk on this new curriculum at the time, and so far, taking this risk has paid off--the students’ engagement and achievement have increased noticeably.”
Notes: How to answer an interview question There are some topics you should not address in an interview: 1) Politics (do not include in your answers anything that gives away your political beliefs. If you were involved in a campaign and you want to use that as an example of leadership, keep it generic. Don’t mention the candidate by name or the party.) 2) Religion (it is okay to mention your involvement with your religious organization as an example of experience or leadership, but do not “get preachy.” Remember—these are strangers that you don’t know yet.) 3) Sexuality/Marital Status/Children (Even though it is against the law in most places to not hire someone for these reasons, some people might let their biases affect their hiring decisions.) 4) Violence (DO NOT TALK ABOUT INVOLVEMENT WITH VIOLENCE IN YOUR ANSWERS. PERIOD.)
Special interview question: The Scenario Question These are the “what if” questions. “Imagine your coworker took your presentation off your computer at work and presented it as their own at a board meeting. How would you handle the situation?” Your answer should always make you look like a calm, logical, professional worker. If you have NO CLUE what you would do, you can always say, “That is a difficult situation, which could be handled in many ways. I would always start by consulting my boss to get advice on the best way to handle the situation. It’s always important to get help from someone with more experience and learn and grow from that.” NEVER SAY “I DON’T KNOW”
Notes: How to answer an interview question Final thought: Remember—these people do not need to know your whole life story. They don’t need to know about your brothers and sisters; they don’t need to know about your struggle to pay your rent; they don’t need to know your struggle with mental health; they don’t need to know about your pets. They want to see what kind of worker you are. Keep every answer professional and job-related.
Notes: Job Interview Tips How can you prepare for an interview? Practice Practice answering typical interview questions. Think of actual and specific examples you can use to describe your skills. This serves as support or evidence. Prepare Do some research on where you will interview. Apply what you know about the company when you answer questions. Know the name of the person or people interviewing you.
Notes: Job Interview Tips Get Ready Make sure you dress professionally for the interview. Remember: dress one step better than the job. Bring copies of your resume and cover letter with you. Have a pen and paper with you to take notes. (Make sure to get permission to do this during the interview.)
Notes: Job Interview Tips, cont. Be on Time Try to be 5 – 10 minutes early just to be safe! If needed, drive to the location ahead of time so you know where to go, where to park, and how long it will take to get there. Stay Calm Don’t feel as if you need to answer everything as soon as it’s asked. It’s okay to take a moment to think about your answer. (Remember: You are interviewing them, too. Do you even want the job after you learn about it ? This will keep you calm-not cocky.) Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. PAY ATTENTION!!! You’ll be embarrassed if you don’t know what the interviewer just asked you. Follow-up Always write a thank you note to the interviewers, thanking them for their time and the chance to interview for the job.
Assignment: 1) Visit all the stations in the hallway. Each will have one of the most common interview questions. 2) Write your name on a post-it and answer the question in ACE format. 3) When you are finished, you will visit TWO stations. On your own paper, you will write the BEST answer and the WORST answer from each station and explain what they did right and what they could do better.
Assignment: 1) Answer some of the most common interview questions on your paper. 2) With your table partner, practice being the interviewer and the interviewee. 3) When finished, evaluate how well your partner performed. (This includes speaking an listening! Did they maintain eye contact? Did they zone off and miss what you were talking about? Did they use “um” or similar often? 4) Volunteer to share in front of the class?