GAMING ETIQUETTE In all games, there are proper ways to behave and to show sportsmanship. Behavioral expectations are different at home and at school. Playing board games as part of this class is different than at home; you are to be evaluating the game from a game designer’s perspective as you play. Therefore, there are some expectations I have for you in this class. Hooray.
BEFORE YOU PLAY Stay quiet when someone else is teaching you how to play the game. Pay attention. Don’t expect to have them reteach you later. Explain the “big picture” first, then fill in the details. Save questions until the teacher asks if players have questions. Likewise, when teaching a game, stop periodically to see if people have questions.
AS YOU PLAY When it is your turn, play swiftly but take time to think if you need it. When it is not your turn, do not engage in idle chatter. Think about your next turn and what you plan to do. Don’t talk to the player whose turn it is. They get to make whatever decisions they want to make, even if you don’t like their choices. It’s okay to stop a player from making a big mistake that will mean they will lose the game. Keep all noise to a library-like environment. Low talking at most. If you forget something, normally you don’t redo a turn. Remember it for next time. Sometimes giving players one “mulligan” (one redo) is done.
AS YOU PLAY Be gentle with the game, board, and pieces. These suckers are expensive. Do not gang up a player, individually pick on one player, or engage in “kingmaking” by unfairly helping one player win. When you are done with your turn, say “Done.” Sometimes players don’t always know when you’re done if a turn is complicated. Settle disagreements with a vote or ask me. Remember, always play nice, win nice, and lose nice. You can be happy or upset about an outcome, but don’t be a jerk either way.
AFTER YOU PLAY Congratulate all other players. You can’t win them all. I know you want to. Help clean up, and make sure that all pieces are put away as they were when you started. Fill out your game evaluations thoughtfully (if required).