By: Erica Ramirez
Description of Disease A disorder of the central nervous system that is caused by a lack of certain brain chemicals. Some have difficulty paying attention and following instructions. Others are aggressive, impulsive, and overly active. ADHD is NOT a learning disability. However, sometimes children with a learning disability may have ADHD. Children may be treated with medicine.
Symptoms In 1994, attention deficit disorder was renamed ADHD. It was broken down to three subtitles; Inattentive Type- Inability to pay attention to details or a tendency to make careless errors in school work or other activities. Difficulty following instructions Distract ability Forgetfulness in daily activities.
Symptoms Hyperactive –impulsive type Fidgeting or squirming Difficulty remaining seated Excessive running or climbing Problems with interrupting or intruding Combine Type- Which involves a combination of the other two types and is the most common.
Accommodations/ Modifications Change test, use multiple choice or short answer questions rather than essays. Reduce the number of questions or approve the use of a cheat sheet. Changes in the environment, such as being able to take the test in a small group or a room with fewer distractions. Changes in the testing protocol, such as extended time, having items being read out loud, or being able to answer orally.
Special programs for ADHD Summer programs ;“special programs for kids” Private schools that cater in working with ADHD. Which are becoming more popular across the country.
Resources guide-symptoms-types guide-symptoms-types /Recognizing-and-managing-ADHD-in- adults?q=ad /Recognizing-and-managing-ADHD-in- adults?q=ad ,0, story ,0, story