PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES IN THE REDD IMPLEMENTATION: Vietnam’s experience towards REDD readiness and country initiatives Vietnam’s experience towards REDD readiness and country initiatives Msc. Bui Chi Kien Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam (MARD)
Overview 1. Vietnam’s point of view on the REDD implementation 2. Country’s experience 3. Prospects and Challenges
I. Vietnam’s point of view on the REDD implementation
Forest cover has changed dramatically and dynamically over the time and space, especially from the country reunification in 1975 up to date; Forest cover increased from 28% (1995) to 38.7% (2008) BUT the changes are not always in progressive and the same in all regions; Forest expansion due to afforestation with fast growing species, short rotation, one canopy layer and low carbon stock; Forest quality is continuously degraded: Area of primary forest reduced from 3.84 (1990) – 0.84 mill ha (2005) or ha/year; 1.1 Dynamics of Forests in Vietnam
Forest cover changes
Vietnam is identified as one of 5 most severe affected by Climate change; Not only adaptation but also appropriate mitigation actions will be taken; National Target Program to Respond to Climate Change (NTP-RCC) was approved in Dec Estimated costs for the period from : $1,2 Bill; MARD’s Action Plan Framework (APF) to respond to CC; 1.2 Points of View
REDD is one of the activities in the NTP-RCC and MARD’s APF to respond to CC; REDD is one of key sub-programs of the Sustainable Forest Management Program of the NFDS; REDD implementation contributes to achievement of the objectives of current environment and socio-economic development strategies, policies; Therefore, National REDD Strategy should be designed to be consistent with and to support to archive the Goals of the NTP-RCC, APF, NFDS and other ongoing progs; 1.2 Point of view
Based on voluntary basis and national circumstances; Country-led, national-based (programmatic) approach to avoid in-country leakage BUT also accepts project–based option (learning by doing); Requires active participation of various stakeholders; Takes long time and requires substantial investment of the GoV and support from donor community; A combination of market-based and traditional mechanisms; 1.2 Point of view
REDD implementation should be well-organized in collaborative, coordinated, transparent and effective fashion; Maximal utilization of the comparative advantages of the International Development Agencies and experts; Promotes a close cooperation with countries in the Lower Mekong Basin and ASEAN. 1.2 Point of view
II. Vietnam’s experience
Feb. 2008: Submitted the country view on REDD methodology and implementation process to the UNFCCC Secs; March 2009: The NJP was approved by the UN-REDD Policy Board Meeting in Panama; the DPO will be approved by Prime Minister within few weeks; 2.1 Joined to International Initiatives
Established: the National Steering Committee (MONRE, MARD, other line ministries) to respond to CC and chaired by Prime Minister; MARD’s SC committee for APF chaired by Minister; Ad-hoc REDD Technical Working Group; CC Network among Gov and NGOs chaired by CARE; CC- Public and private partnership (Ford Foundation); 2.2 Institutional arrangement
Organized Donor coordination meetings; Prepared an Institutional donors’ matrix to mobilize the support from potential partners and to avoid overlap and conflicts; Discussed with ongoing foreign-supported projects: GTZ SFM Prog, ADB-FLITCH, Finland, etc.; Established Ambassadors’ Climate change Forum; Created the INGOs Climate change Network chaired by Care International; 2.3 Donors’ coordination
Organized numerous national and regional technical training workshops; Japan funded studies on “Application in C-stock estimation and its change” and “Screening potential land for CDM and REDD in Vietnam”; CC- Public and private partnership (Ford Foundation); Public awareness raising: mass media and e-Envi forums; Improved international negotiation skills for focal point and CC delegates; 2.4 Capacity building
2.5 Preparation for National REDD Prog
Why do we need REDD Strategy? REDD is new and complex, its implementation requires substantial investment from GoV and donors; Requires closed sectoral and multi-lateral cooperation; NRS is a basic legal framework to ensure the REDD implementation REDD projects and activities in collaborative, coordinated, transparent and effective manner; and Be designed to be consistent with and supplemented to the on-going environmental protection and socio-economic development strategies and policies in the participating country
Proposed Components of the National REDD Strategy R eference scenario formulation (N &R levels) D evelopment of participatory C-stock monitoring, assessment, reporting and verification system D esign of payment system A ssessment of benefits and impacts D esign roadmap, institutional arrangement and mgt. system (Report, review and evaluate the performance) E ngagement with stakeholders at a various levels (stakeholder dialogues) C apacity building for relevant stakeholders
III. Prospect and Challenges
Political attention and support; Alignment of the interests of multiple constituencies, ongoing programs and strategies: i.e. NTP-RCC, NFDS, PRS, PES; Supplementary to current national PES policy: REDD= carbon sequestration = one of Envi services of the forests; Brings co-benefits: emissions reductions + Improved biodiversity conservation + Improved local livelihoods; Improved forest governance and capacity of the forest administration systems; 3.1 Prospect
3.2 Constraints and Challenges REDD requires a new level of forest governance – re-framing forest policy in CC context and capacity building; Integration and coordination among national agencies, progs and among donors; Need for “REDD readiness”: governance mechanisms and institutional capacity To decide on strategy To measure and monitor change To transfer payments: transparency and equity Need to manage risks and trade-offs: safeguard policies; Need to establish legitimacy Inclusive process Equitable outcomes
3.2 Constraints and Challenges International level: i) REDD is new and complex – still in debate and, ii) on-going development of governing mechanisms; Diverse definitions and classification systems on forest and deforestation; Measurement of forest degradation; Independent data sources? Leakage: project-based vs programmatic approach, ambition and existing capacity; Permanence: Emissions reductions from forestry can be undone
Challenges Insufficient capacity: in collecting, analyzing, synthesizing and reporting information, especially at local levels; Lack of close coordination: data discrepancies & data sharing; Insufficient information: incomplete and outdated; Insufficient volume of finance to shift drivers of deforestation and degradation;
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