Demand Estimation Sub-Committee Climate Change Datasets - update 22 nd September 2014
2 Overview UNC Modification introduced concept of Climate Change Methodology – dependent on acceptance of Weather Station Substitution Methodology & datasets. Placed obligation on Gas Transporters to procure a service to create a Methodology & associated datasets. Xoserve appointed Met Office to deliver the service Climate Change Methodology signed off at 25 June 2014 DESC meeting – data preparation then started.
3 Progress to date Delivery of 3 files for each of 5 weather variables, for each of 25 weather stations (i.e. 375 files) –Climate Change Datasets for 24 of the 25 weather stations approved at June 25 th DESC meeting –Datasets for remaining weather station (Hawarden) published for review on August 26 th Aspiration – obtain sign-off of Hawarden datasets at today’s meeting –Any comments on Hawarden datasets?