Low Impact Urban Design and Development: Getting it into practice A presentation by Viv Heslop, Researcher on the LIUDD project
Purpose of this session what are we thinking in terms of a useful tool for end-users what do you think? how could we work with you to get input?
Objective 1: Getting Buy-in Outcome: Urban professionals + stakeholders with conflicting views and priorities work together to identify solutions to conventional development problems Purpose: - To identify + overcome impediments to LIUDD - To encourage widespread uptake.
Objective 5: Changing Plans and Practice Outcome: Improving plans, practices and incentives for LIUDD Purpose: - Identify barriers and opportunities for LIUDD uptake - Produce guidelines to facilitate uptake through a raft of plans, practices and incentives for local government implementation
Barriers to uptake Why is this information important? important to understand context in which practitioners are working gathered information through interviews, discussions and literature
Timeliness constraints of formal processes little room for council staff to influence design once application received council staff also pressed to respond early enough for developers developers find it easier to conform than innovate
Complexity of planning processes long time to change plans plans and processes increasingly complex but users seek simplicity challenge to achieve flexibility yet certainty for communities planning framework is being improved e.g. design guidelines
Council capacity high staff turnover difficult to retain senior, experienced staff need to integrate policy & regulation within councils need for greater collaboration within and across organisations
Solutions multi-disciplinary, integrated & pro-active approach early input of council staff in design demonstration projects - proving performance of devices project management within councils incentives for developers e.g. fast track for consents strong advocates within councils to achieve change improve skills & knowledge of professionals
a reality check thanks to North Shore City Council…
Experience of incorporating LIUDD into a planning document Long Bay Structure Plan - notified currently first catchment-based plan in New Zealand needed to do it well as Long Bay is last major greenfields development opportunity in North Shore
Keys to success getting internal support and buy-in to the idea having an internal champion robust information to support proposals - onus on council to make sure information is right recognition that collaboration takes time
Keys to success cont. ensuring there was guidance on the ‘how to’ - importance of follow through ensure openness during the process so no surprises when plan notified make it easy for people to do right - resourcing and education important provide developers with as much as possible, including drawings, to minimise transition costs
so what does this mean for our research…
Our change in thinking… producing a series of guidelines cannot in themselves help end users to change end users need rigorous justification of the need to change, measures they can adopt and pathways to change presenting the LIUDD programme findings as a series of implementation strategies is a more flexible and robust way of meeting the needs of end users avoids being overly prescriptive and allows end users to identify and use strategies to meet their needs
The Users Guide to LIUDD in New Zealand web-based tool initially develop on-line with input from end users - what questions do end users have about the implementation of LIUDD? aim to provide a user friendly interface between the robust research and the needs of the end user it is not just a manual of “how to build a raingarden” for example, but will also include justification for change and tools to assist with change
Plans for development working with the researchers to determine what information will be available in next three years working with end users to determine what their information needs are developing the interface - the web tool
Questions for you would this be useful? what are your preferences for how information is delivered? would you like to be involved in the development?