A FRAMEWORK FOR INFORMED ELT PRACTICE Julian Edge and Sue Garton ‘From Experience to Knowledge in ELT’ OUP
Their position: Good practice is central Practice can always be improved The most likely way for teachers to improve practice is to understand their experience of it To talk about practice, they need to learn relevant concepts and terminology As they talk about practice in new terms, teachers build their practical knowledge out of their experience
Learning and teaching processes The learner’s task Learning to juggle demands placed on their attention in terms of Accuracy – conforming to the language system Fluency – operating the language system quickly Appropriacy – using the language successfully in different situations and with different people Flexibility – not being put off by difficulties in any of the above, whether their own or other people’s. The teacher’s task To facilitate this learning
What do we know about language learning Our brain works at 3 levels: the subconscious, conscious and metaconscious In the context of language learning this means: ‘Picking language up in meaningful social interaction’- FLUENCY / APPROPRIACY Through formal study usually following a syllabus - ACCURACY /KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT IS CORRECT Analytical skills to think about learning / monitor progress / guide actions Motivation – Learners learn a language for different reasons
Language Teaching 2 broad approaches: Moving from communication to language / meaning to form e.g. TBL (task-based learning) From subconscious to conscious learning Moving from language to communication / from form to meaning e.g. PPP (Presentation Practice Production As a person you might prefer one, as a teacher you need to make sure you combine both to be fair to the preferences of different students
5 basic Elements of ELT Communication is at the centre of ELT Communication is the goal of language learning Communication is part of the learning process Feelings Learner motivation, attitude, confidence, security and willingness to take risks Rules To describe the way English actually is Practice Controlled practice, freer practice Strategies Communication, learning, teaching
To summarise… 2 A’s and 2 F’s 3 …….. 2 …….. 5 ……..