Historical Context Introduction to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
The Age of Enlightenment also known as the “Age of Reason” during the 18th century advances in science led to the belief in natural law and confidence in human reason led thinkers to have a scientific lean to their philosophies about religion, society, politics, and economics these advances led philosophers to develop new theories on creation, heredity, and psychology human reason was consider the path to understanding the universe and improving the human condition resulting in knowledge, happiness, and freedom. they began to demand for individual rights and democracies over divine order (monarchies)
The Romantic Movement Out of the Age of Enlightenment, came the Romantic Movement Instead of order, calm, and rationalism, the Romantics thrived on innovation and emotional expression. They called for radical social reform. This era is marked for its appreciation of nature and the importance of imagination. There was also interests in the exotic and supernatural. Writers of this time focused on a search for beauty, escapism, and nature as a source for knowledge, refuge, and beauty. Women finally start to get some recognition and the Romantics valued individual voices (opinions/perspective). Women authors flourished under the Romantic era, such writers as Jane Austen, the Brontë sisters, and Mary Shelley.
Mary Shelley born in 1797; her mother one of the most famous Enlightenment radicals (Mary Wollstonecraft) her mother died giving birth to her and her father remarried to Mary Jane Clairmont Mary was sent to live with the Baxters’ in Scotland (Shelley was a friend of theirs) Shelley and Mary fell in love and ran off to mainland Europe. Claire (her stepsister) began an affair with Shelley’s friend Lord Byron. The four spent that summer at Lake Geneva, where she began to think about Frankenstein. Shelley and Mary were married in December of 1816 after his wife drowned herself in November. She anonymously published Frankenstein in 1818. Shelley died in a boating accident in 1822, leaving her a widow at the age of 24. She continued to write and died in 1851 at the age of 53.
Percy Bysshe Shelly one of the most famous English Romantic poets; born in 1792 married Mary Shelley after the death of his first wife most known for Ode to the West Wind, To a Skylark, and The Masque of Anarchy wrote the preface to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and was credited for writing the novel since she published it anonymously kept company with Lord Byron and John Keats (other famous Romantic poets) died in 1822 (29 yrs. old) in a boating accident
Gothic Literature Is the Romantic literature that focuses on mystery, horror, and the supernatural. Gothic is a reference to the medieval times with its castles, knights, and adventure. Tend to have dark, brooding moods/tones, remote or isolated settings, and mysterious events. The inner workings, the emotional state, of the characters is a major focus as is the battle between good and evil. Shelley is considered one the masters and “godmother” of gothic horror fiction and in particularly known for using “contemporary” settings to unfold her tales of the weird and unnatural to cause fear in the readers mind.