Test Review Tips Community Health Assessment #1 Topics: Environmental Health Epidemiology & Communicable Disease.


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Presentation transcript:

Test Review Tips Community Health Assessment #1 Topics: Environmental Health Epidemiology & Communicable Disease

The Epidemiological Triangle / Epidemiological Triad

Epidemiological Triangle Know what “Host Factors” are Know what “Agent Factors” are Know what “Environmental Factors” are

Water Borne Disease Know the definition of water-borne disease, i.e., they are caused by pathogenic microorganisms which are directly transmitted when contaminated fresh water is consumed. So water borne diseases are caused by drinking the water! Know some of the water-borne diseases, e.g., cholera, salmonella, shigella, typhoid fever, and many many more! Remember to differentiate water borne diseases from vector-borne diseases (although water is associated) e.g., encephalitis, dengue fever, Rift Valley Fever, yellow fever, malaria, etc.

Analytic / Analytical Epidemiology versus Descriptive Epidemiology Know the difference in definition between the two…..

Living Patterns Know the definition ! What does this actually mean? What is it NOT? REMEMBER that when we discuss (or maybe ask questions…) about “Living Patterns” we are talking about Environmental Health !

Radiation Exposure Know what is—and what is not—a potential source of radiation exposure in environmental health! Consider natural & man-made sources

Food Quality Put this into the context of environmental health and know what the potential threats to food quality are…think infection, chemicals, toxins, and other chemicals.

Work Risks There are lots of problems in the workplace, but remember, not all of them are Environmental Health Issues. Differentiate between them!

Models Epidemiological Triangle Web of Causation Definitions & what areas or problems / diseases each is most useful for…

Incidence & Prevalence Know what they are, & the difference between them Know what they mean When given statistics of incidence or prevalence, be able to compare between two different places with two different rates, & and know which is better than the other.

Primary-Secondary-Tertiary Ya gotta know these!

Screening Programs (2* Interventions) Know the essential components of planning a screening program.

Influenza Know the differences in Recommended Populations / Priorities of those to be immunized between Novel H1N1 (“Swine Flu”) and “Normal Seasonal Influenza.”

Adjusted Rates & Epidemiology Why are epidemiolgical rates ‘adjusted’, i.e., for age, sex, gender, etc. …Think: TO eliminate BIAS or POTENTIAL BIAS