W ARM UP Question: What could be inaccurate about how we calculated height of rocket? Answer: The equation ignores air resistance. Goal: I will calculate potential and kinetic energy
E LEMENT OF THE DAY 92 – Uranium – U The first nuclear bomb was a uranium fission bomb, detonated over Hiroshima during WWII. The bomb had never been tested – partly because scientists were sure it would work, and partially because they only had enough uranium for one bomb. The plutonium-based bomb dropped on Nagasaki three days later was tested in Alamogordo. Naturally occurring uranium is 99.28% uranium-238 which cannot be used to make atomic bombs. Of the 0.71% that is uranium-235, 2/3 of it is removed in the refining process. What is left is called depleted uranium. Depleted uranium is a very hard and dense metal and is used in armor piercing projectiles which catch on fire on impact. Uranium was used in pottery glaze prior to the 1940s, but it’s a bad idea to eat from it, as uranium is a heavy metal that can poison you (it’s not that dangerous from a radiation stand-point, as it gives off mostly harmless alpha radiation). It is only legal to own up to 15 pounds of pure uranium metal.
- Warm up - Review Rocket Launch - Collect / Review Lab 7A - Notes potential vs. kinetic - Word problems - Tonight’s HW - Ch 7 Packet pg Rocket lab sheet due Thurs A GENDA / HW