Hampton Infant School and Nursery Curriculum Evening Reception “Our World Today”
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 2 Welcome
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 3 Curriculum Evening By the end of the evening we hope you will be more familiar with: The Foundation Stage Curriculum How your child spends their day How we can be sure that your child is making progress How we can work together to help your child to be a happy and confident learner ensuring he/she has the best possible start to his/her education
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 44 The Foundation Stage Curriculum Children are born ready, able and eager to learn A Unique Child Positive Relationships Enabling Environments Learning and Development + + =
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 55 Characteristics of Effective Learning Playing and exploring - engagement Finding out and exploring Playing with what they know Being willing to ‘have a go’ Active Learning – motivation Being involved and concentrating Keep trying Enjoying achieving what they set out to do Creating and thinking critically – thinking Having their own ideas Making links Choosing ways to do things
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 66 Areas of Learning and Development Prime Areas Personal Social and Emotional Development Making relationships Self-confidence and awareness Managing feelings and behaviour Physical Development Moving and handling Health and self-care Communication and Language Listening and attention Understanding Speaking
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 77 Areas of Learning and Development Specific areas Literacy Reading Writing
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 88 Areas of Learning and Development Specific Areas Mathematics Numbers Shape, space and measure Number
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 99 Areas of Learning and Development Shape, space and measure
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 10 Areas of Learning and Development Specific Areas Understanding the World People and Communities The World Technology
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 11 Areas of Learning and Development Specific Areas Expressive Arts and Design Exploring and using different media and materials Being imaginative
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 12 Reception Topics Autumn Term Traditional Stories and Rhymes Special times Spring Term Machines Ourselves/Families Summer Term Living Things Water Reception school trip The Look Out Discovery Centre
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 13 Hampton Infant School and Nursery The Foundation Stage Curriculum To enable our pupils to be interested, motivated and excited to learn. Organisation of learning environment for activity groups Literacy Class 1 DiscoveryClass 2 Mathematics Class 3 Outside Large/small playgrounds Creative/ICT Central Area/ICT Room
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 14 The Outside Classroom
Hampton Infant School and Nursery Miss Erin Archard and Miss Cathy Curtis Class 1- Elephants 15
Hampton Infant School and Nursery Class 2 - Penguins 16 Mrs Julie Purnell and Mrs Jackie Moloney
Hampton Infant School and Nursery Class 3-Tigers Mrs Hilary Beresford, Mrs Sally Beevor and Miss Ruth Doran 17
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 18 Hampton infant school and Nursery
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 19 Hampton infant school and Nursery Activity Group Mornings Start of the day Coming in to the classroom Group Activities (including Brain Gym) Milk and Fruit Outside Activities Whole class activities Ready for lunch Lunch Whole class activities Free-Flow Story Ready for home
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 20 Tuesday Mornings Class based day PE Art Writing Maths and Phonics Special projects Drama
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 21 Thursday Mornings PPA Class 1 Mrs Michelle Young French Class 2 Mrs Susan Quinn Music Class 3 Miss Lynn Bima Technology
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 22 Lunch Times and Afternoons
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 23 Home School Activities Reading Books and other activities Red Book Bags - Home every day Handwriting - Kept in red bags Key Words - From January or as appropriate Home School Communication Book To enable us to read your comments and look at their progress in reading and writing the children's book bags will be kept at school one night per week. Red Group - Monday Yellow Group - Tuesday Green Group - Wednesday Blue Group - Thursday
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 24 Hampton Village Hospital!
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 25 Assessment and Reporting Baseline Assessment New for 2015 and covering the Characteristics of Effective Learning, the prime areas (PSED, C&L, PD) plus Literacy and Maths Government requirement to allow the progress that pupils make within each school measurable Assessment ongoing throughout the year Contributions from everybody who works with the children, i.e. class teachers, EYPs, cover teachers, TAs, LSAs, SMSAs, and parental contributions through Home-School Communication Books End of year assessments against the Early Learning Goals Reporting to parents Parent/Teacher Consultations – Autumn, Spring and Summer Hinny Books Written report – end of year attainment against Early Learning Goals
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 26 Developing our fine motor skills
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 27 Work or play?
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 28 Enjoying our play outside
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 29 Attendance Every day counts!
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 30 Children make no distinction between learning and play and neither should we!
Hampton Infant School and Nursery 31 And they all lived happily ever after! Thank you for coming! Any questions?