Facilitating MYP Learning Areas through an Online Virtual Environment Argie Buesnel Blackwood High School April 19, 2009
What is a Learning Platform?
What is Studywiz? Web-based digital workspace for schools Safe, managed environment allowing teachers to create and deliver learning material Teacher, student, parent and administrator access Works on any computer platform Works on any browser Available anywhere/anytime
Benefits of Learning Platforms Personalised Learning Learning Plans Games Elocker Blogs
Communication and Collaboration Discussion Calendar Poll Chat
Content, Creation and Delivery Multi-media Activity Games
Assessment, Tracking and Reporting Assignments Resources Reporting QT Assessment
Bridging gaps – reaching out to learners being excluded at the moment
What do students think? Jack Beard (Year 9 – Student) “ We got to use our computer skills to research and present our work. We got to do things like making videos to explain our learning and putting real time photos into our assignments. It made my school work more interesting.” David Coupe (Year 9 –Student) “Studywiz is good because I can submit my assignments from home. The teachers also mark online and post them back to us. My parents can also see what is going on in the different subjects. It makes communication with teachers really easy, which has its ups and downs”.
Studywiz Resources & Tools Word Powerpoint Excel PDF Images Movies Audio Flash CD-Roms Web sites etc. Your existing resources Documents Tests Votes Assignments Galleries Discussion Groups Surveys Individual Learning Plans Games Chat Calendars Podcasts RSS Feeds QTI Assessments eLockers Studywiz activities Websites Purchased & subscription content Other resources
Curriculum deliveryFormative Assessment Learning Styles Personalized Learning Differentiation Engageme nt Group work Blended Learning Mobile Learning Independent Learning Learning Community Teachers Students Parents Learning Plans Homework Additional Support Creativity Achievements Attainment Self-Evaluation Professional Development Inclusion
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