Honest Conversations in the Workplace David Craigie July 2013
Overview Psychological Contract & Engagement Honest conversations & Well-being Stress Management Standards Communication Case study 1 Case study 2 Links
Honest Conversations... Psychological Contract “the perceptions of the nature of the relationship between an employer and employee, including beliefs, expectations and informally understood mutual obligations” Engagement “an engaged employee is fully involved with and enthusiastic about his or her work and will work to further the organisation's interests”
Why is it important? Not being consulted or feeling left out of communication loops can lead to a negative impact on Employee Engagement and a perceived breach of Psychological Contract.
Psychological Contract Perceived Fulfilment Job Satisfaction Affective Commitment Perceived Breach Job Dissatisfaction Intention to leave Fewer Organisational Citizenship Behaviours (towards the Organisation and Individuals)
Why is it important? Positive aspects of good communication: We care about people's well-being Employee well-being is good for business + Productivity - Absence Reputations matter
Stress Management Standards Source: Demands Control Support Relationships Role Change
When is honesty inappropriate or a potential form of bullying? Honest conversations require wisdom and discernment, knowing What to say 2. When to say it 3. How to say it 4. If to say it at all Communication
Business is struggling... to talk, or not to talk, that is the question! Case study 1 Don't talk about itHonest Conversation - Avoids immediate stress - Doesn't pre-empt departures + Involves employees in solution seeking + Can improve employee performance (if done early enough)
Performance Issues with a member of staff Case study 2 Don't talk about itHonest Conversation - Avoids immediate stress - Hope things resolve themselves + Employee might not know of problems + Gives opportunity for development/feedback
Honest conversations can help improve employee well-being (and therefore productivity and reduce absence). They also allow for growth, personal development, shared solution seeking and foster a culture of trust and respect. Honesty needs wisdom and discernment. Conclusions
Employee Assistance Professional Coaching Stress Audits/Manager Training Therapy, Counselling, CBT Personal Coaching