Most robins live for less than 2 years. The robin is one of Irelands favourite birds. The robin stays in Ireland all year round. A robin has a red and orange breast and face. juveniles have no orange tint.
The blue tit is the only tit with bright blue in it’s plumage. The blue tit is a small passerine bird in the tit family. Blue tit’s are common throughout Ireland with 1,0000 breeding pairs. The bird is easily recognisable by its blue and yellow plumage. Young birds are a dull yellow and green are easily confused with warblets.
You can find chaffinches in gardens. You often see chaffinches in flocks. Chaffinches are 15 cm long. The chaffinch is common in Ireland and Europe. In Kerry oak woods was found to be the most abundant species.
The female blackbird is not black. The male blackbird is totally black. Blackbird’s eat fruit’s / berries / earthworms and insect’s. In winter blackbird’s population’s increase’s with the arrival of bird’s from Europe. The blackbird is one of our most familiar garden bird’s.
The great tit is the biggest and strongest tit. The great tit is the is a handsome bird. The head and neck are glossy black the cheeks are a brillent white and a brad black extends down the centre of the under parts. During this time tits Furquntly band together in roaming flocks. The great is 14 cm long.
You can find green finches in gardens especially in winter. Green finches feed on plants. The green finch has a bulky body and a stout bill. You likely see the green finch in nests were there are trees and bushes. Green finches are 15 cm long.
Female gold finches nests are made from bushes and trees. A group of gold finches are called charm of gold finches. The male gold finches nest is made from moss / grass and wool. When a male wants to attract a female he shows off the band of gold on his wings
The song thrush is brown with a spotted chest. Its smaller size and unform upper parts as well as its warmer buff of its breast. The song thrush is as widely disdurbe the throughout Ireland as the blackbird. Many Scottish and northern English bred birds migrate to Ireland in October and November.
Rooks are glossy black with a slender greyeah bill. They are an integral part of the Irish agrical landacab. Rooks are extrimaly socibaly and highly greyrious. Their buliky turg nest are built in treetumpys. A rook is 46 cm long.
The house sparrow is one of the most familiar birds. Males have a dark grey crown. The hen is brown with a streaked back. The house sparrow is cm long. The house sparrow came to Ireland about 6000 years ago.