My favorite food Potato salad
My favorite food is potato-salad. The first time when I ate it, I felt it was so delicious that I had ever ate before! It is made by one of my mother’s best friends. It is not only delicious but an easy make food. Here is the recipe:
Recepe Potato---3 piece of potatos Carrot---some Cherry—several piece of cherry, about 5-10 Salad---- 桂冠 salad Egg------mashed egg Tomato—several piece of tomatoes, about 5-10 Strawberry---several piece of strawberry, about 5-10
Make method put the potatoes and carrots into the boiler, and boil these two thing. cut up cooked eggs and step1’s two things. mix salad. Carrots. Potatoes, and eggs together. put some cherry or tomato or strawberry on the maked salad. put the salad in the refrigerator until it is cool. After that, the delicious potato-salad is complished!!
The End