I can use commas with independent clauses. I can apply my knowledge of denotation of words. I can apply before, during, and after reading strategies. I.


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Presentation transcript:

I can use commas with independent clauses. I can apply my knowledge of denotation of words. I can apply before, during, and after reading strategies. I can demonstrate comprehension of a text. I can score 80% or higher on my WFA. AUGUST 27 AND 28

Grammar Comma rule #3 Join two independent clauses with a comma AND a coordinating conjunction. An independent clause is another word for a complete sentence, so the rule tells me to. Coordinating conjunctions can make the word FANBOYS. EXAMPLE: For many of these people, adoption is the answer, yet a lot of them will choose international adoption. Edit the following sentences for mistakes in commas. One terrible summer when we were little I had mumps you had measles and he had chickenpox. All of the students must arrive on time for no one will be admitted late. Han brought charcoal and lighter fluid, but he forgot matches. Well then let’s go to the store so that we can buy some more and then we can also buy some potato salad.

WFA Grab your clickers! Write your answers on your paper and then input in your clicker. Good Luck! Vocabulary Quiz Keep your clickers! Write your answers on your paper and then input in your clicker. Good Luck!

Vignette Writing—20-30 minutes Write about a time that you had to sacrifice for something that you really needed, like Akakii has to sacrifice for a new coat. Use imagery to describe the thing you needed to replace. OR Write about a time you had to wait to get something new that you really wanted. Use imagery and similes or metaphors to convey your anticipation. OR Write about a time you got something new and it gave you the confidence to behave in a different manner. Use imagery, dialogue, and specific details to show the reader how differently you behaved. This vignette should be at least 1 page and include a beginning, middle, and end. You may incorporate dialogue. Don’t forget…the vignettes we do in class can be used in your writing project. You NEED to be completing these as we go!

Silent Reading Read to page 93 in “The Overcoat.” 1.How does the new overcoat seem to symbolize companionship for Akakii? 2.How does the new overcoat symbolize a new identity for him? Your answers should be a minimum of 5 sentences. Use the claim, evidence, commentary structure of an analysis to answer each question. Quotations from the story should be correctly punctuated. I do not want to see incomplete thoughts or incorrectly punctuated quotations from the story.