Hello my name Is Ricky and I am 12 years old. I live at 60 Huia Road. I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers. I go to Otahuhu Intermediate. I am in year 8.My teacher is a New Zealand Maori and her name is Lana Perry.
My favourite cousin is Sam he is so cool to play with. My favourite girl cousin is Ana she is so cool to hang around with.
My goals for maths is to make sensible estimates & check reasonableness of answers[23,30] My other maths goal is to learn all my times table up to 12 cause times table is the key for maths
My favourite food is fish and chips and potato salad. And my favourite drink is water and coke.
My favourite sport is rugby, volleyball and table tennis. The reason why I pick these sports cause it is fun to play and it is my passion.
The future group that I’m in is the Tongan Group. I really like the Tongan group because I'm proud to represent my country.
I like to play rugby games in my spare time and I also like listening to songs such as R19 Johnny My Sky and also like spending time with my family.