What are the building blocks of life?
As you view the photographs, think about what makes up living things?
African Elephant Elephant’s blood cell Image courtesy of: Image courtesy of:
Monarch Butterfly Butterfly wing cell Image courtesy of: lepidoptera/monarch/monarchonalf.html Butterfly images courtesy of Marlin Rice, Iowa State University Department of Entomology. Image Courtsey of: techniques/phasegallery/butterflywing.html
Elodea Leaf Elodea Leaf Cell Waiting for permission: e.htm Image courtesy of: 111/organisms.htm
Snake Rattlesnake Skin Cell Image courtesy of: filedet.htm?File_name=19-188&File_type=GIF Image courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art (County License)
Onion Plant Onion Cell Image courtsey of: Image:Microphoto-cells-onion2.jpg
Single-cell animals Paramecium Paramecium are found in pond water. Paramecium Image Courtesy of: es/sciences/BotanicalSciences/MajorDivisions/Kingdom Protista/Protists/protists.htm water/images/hatcase.jpg
Frog Image courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art- County License. Frog Cell Image courtesy of: filedet.htm?File_name=19-5&File_type=GIF
Human Being Human Muscle Cell Image Courtesy of /HistoImages/hl3A-42.jpg /HistoImages/hl3A-42.jpg Image courtesy of Prentice Hall County License.
Human Cells Human Muscle Cell Image Courtesy of ddean.luc.edu/lumen/MedEd/Histo /HistoImages/hl3A-42.jpg Human Nerve Cell Human Skin Cell Why do the types of human cells look different? Waiting for permission: newsitem/?itemno=4206&rehref=%2Fnews%2Far chive%2F&resubj=%20Headlines Image courtsey of: uottawa.ca/thumbnails/histocatquery. htm?Histo_CategoryF=Tissu%20t%E9g umentaire&Histo_CategoryE=Integument
Based on the pictures that you viewed, what makes up living things?
Why are cells the building blocks of life?
The video is located on You will need to completewww.teachersdomain.com the free registration. The quick time video can be downloaded on your computer for future use. It’s titled Single Cell Organisms. Quick Time Video on Single Cell Organisms Students should complete Cell Chart that compares single- cell and multi-cell organisms during the video.