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STANDERD- 5 SUBJECT:-ENGLISH 17. Read the table and make meaningful sentences.
Ice Water Water particles Ice particles Turn into Turns into Raindrops. Hailstones. Water. Ice. Water particles.
1)Ice turns into water. 2) Ice particles turn into water.
A bud Buds A flower Flowers A seed Seeds Turn into Turns into Plants. Flower s. seeds. A plant. A flower.. A fruits. Buds. A seed. A bud.
Flowers turn into a fruits. A seed turns into a plant.
There are There is a There is an Big Angry small Honest Tiny Huge Importan t extra Parrots Clouds Plants Trees Kites Buildings Cars Houses Elephant Bus Aeroplane In the sky. On the tree. In a jungle. In the sea. In a city. On the road.
There are big parrots in the sky. There is a car on the road.
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Karmveer Vidhyaprabhodhini Madhya Vibhag,Satara Created By –