Study Guide for Chapter 3 Cells: The Basic Unit of Life
Plant Cells vs Animal Cells Plants have a Cell Wall Plants have Chloroplasts Plants have a LARGE central Vacuole
Plants vs Animal Cells Lysosomes found mostly in Animal Cells
Robert Hooke The 1 st person to discover cells In 1665, looked at cork in a compound microscope he invented
Anton van Leeuwenhoek Another person 1 st person to see bacteria Looked at pond scum and found “little animals” (protists) Looked at animal blood and saw differences in different animals Protists=Single- Celled Eukaryotes like Paramecium Human Blood
200 Years Later…. CELL THEORY Schleiden-1838 –Studied Plants: “All plants have cells” Schwann-1839 –Studied Animals: “All animals have cells” Virchow-1858 –All cells could form only from other cells
CELL THEORY All organisms are made of one or more cells The cell is the basic unit of all living things All cells come from existing cells
All living things are made of cells!! Organisms are either… 1)Single-Cell Bacteria Archaea 2)Multi-Cellular (many cells) Plants Animals
Advantages to being Multi-Cellular Larger Size -more likely to be a predator instead of prey Longer Life -cell dies, but not organism Specialization -each cell has a different job (ex: heart muscle cell makes heart pump blood)
Prokayotes vs. Eukaryotes All living things are made of… Example Bacteria (Prokaryote)
Six Characteristics of Living Things Living things have all of these: Have Cells Sense and respond to change Reproduce (an ant can not make an elephant) Have DNA Use Energy (make food/break down food) Grow and Develop “Can She Really Drink Elmer’s Glue”
Basic Needs of All Living Things Food Water Shelter Air
Five Building Blocks of Living Things (PLANC) Proteins Lipids ATP Nucleic Acids Carbohydrates
Levels of Organization Cells=smallest functional and structural unit of all living organisms Tissue=a group of similar cells that perform a common function –4 types in animals: nerve, muscle, connective, protective –3 types in plants: Transport, protective, ground Organs-a collection of tissues that carry out a specialized function (stomach, intestines, brain, lungs) Organ Systems -A group of organs that work together to perform body functions (skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, nervous) Organism=a living thing, anything that can carry out life processes independently
Example: Animal Levels of Organization Organism –Human Organ System –Digestive System Organ –Stomach Tissue –Muscle Tissue: Makes food move –Connective Tissue: Holds stomach together –Nervous Tissue: Carries messages back and forth Cell –Muscle Cell –Nerve Cell
Example: Plant Level of Organization Organism –Plant Organ System –Leaf Systems –Root Systems –Stem Systems Organ –Leaf: contains tissues that trap energy to make food –Stems –Roots Tissue –Transport: Moves water and nutrients thru plant –Protective: Covers the plant –Ground: Where photosynthesis takes place Cell