FORMAT - REVIEW The United States Constitution is written in nine sections: Preamble Article I – Legislative Branch Article II – Executive Branch Article III – Judicial Branch Article IV – Full Faith and Credit Article V – Amendment Process Article VI – Previous Debts & Supremacy Clause Article VII – Ratification 27 Amendments
Physical Format Each Article of the Constitution is set up in the same outline fashion where needed ARTICLE (Main overriding topic – i.e. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH) SECTION (Specific subtopic – i.e. SENATE) CLAUSE (Specific item to be addressed – i.e. METHOD OF ELECTION) Each part has a purpose, and they become more specific as they go down the line, just like an outline
WHAT DOES IT MEAN? We have already discussed the Preamble… “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” What about the rest of the document? Simply put – the Constitution is the BLUEPRINT/FORMAT FOR THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.
ARTICLE I The Legislative Branch Sets up a bicameral legislature House of Representatives Senate First article, because the founders felt it would be tied the closest to the people. There are ten sections in the Article regarding the Legislative Branch Longest Article of the Constitution by far Article 8 is the most specific (and maybe important) as it lists 18+ specific powers (ENUMERATED) granted to Congress Necessary and Proper Clause – Article I, Section 8, Clause 18
ARTICLE II The Executive Branch Establishes an executive position (President) for the United States Government Four sections Important points Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 – Grant of power Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 – Electoral College Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 – Qualifications Article II, Section 2 & 3 – Presidential Powers & Appointments Article II, Section 4 - Impeachment
ARTICLE III The Judicial Branch Establishes the Supreme Court and such inferior courts as Congress deems necessary Section 1 – Terms of Office Section 2 – Jurisdiction Exclusive Jurisdiction Appellate Jurisdiction Concurrent Jurisdiction Section 3 – Treason Only crime specifically mentioned in the US Constitution The case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) establishes the idea of Judicial Review
ARTICLE IV Full Faith and Credit Four Sections Establishes the idea that legal proceedings in one state are valid in all states Other sections discuss the idea and process for admitting new states to the Union and the protections the states will be afforded by the National Government Examples of protections – guaranteed form of republican government, protection from invasion, both by people in and out of the State or Country.
ARTICLE V Provisions or Amending the Constitution Propose an Amendment 2/3 both chambers of Congress National Convention called by the request of 2/3 of state legislatures Ratify an Amendment 3/4 of the state votes 3/4 of the states in convention
ARTICLE VI Validity of Debts All debts previously garnered by the US government are still valid Supremacy Clause The US Constitution is the final say in laws in the United States – nothing can contradict it Oath of Office Elected people can be required to take an oath of office to support the Constitution, but a religious promise CANNOT be part of that oath.
ARTICLE VII Ratification (acceptance) of the Constitution by nine states shall put the Constitution into effect
AMENDMENTS Amendment = change to the Constitution First ten amendments – BILL OF RIGHTS Voting Amendments 15, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26 14th Amendment – Rights of the Citizens, Equal Protection Clause 16th Amendment – Income Tax 25th Amendment – Presidential Succession 27th Amendment (1992) – Legislative Compensation