11/14/14 Discussion Questions 1. Using your root word list what does mono mean? Poly? Mere? 2. Predict what monomer means. 3. Predict what polymer means. 4. How do you think the two words are related?
Reminders Rough Draft of your Abstract is due on 12/1/14 (printed and ready to be checked at the BEGINNING of class). Plan ahead. Science Fair is on Wed 12/10/14. Everything will be due in class on Monday 12/8/14. Do you have a family member who is judging?? nowledgeable in science and might be interested in If so, please let me know. 5 pts. EC for turning your project in anytime between and The entire project! Go to room 1135 Tues or Thurs for Science Peer Tutoring
Quick Review Notes DNA to RNA to Protein Genes are located on the DNA. DNA and some proteins makes up the chromosomes in Eukaryotes. Thus, genes are found on the chromosomes. A gene is expressed when it is transcribed and translated into protein. Write this in Your Sci. Journal
QUIZ Clear your desks of everything Do NOT write on the quiz please Use CAPITAL letters please Keep your answers covered If you need to make up a quiz due to an absence… come see me Tues or Thurs during PLC Flip it over when you are finished and hang on to it.
Biochemistry Introduction So far this year we’ve learned about: Ecosystems, Communities, Populations, and Individual Species/Organisms We’ve learned all about the cells (Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote and Eukaryotic Plant Cells vs. Eukaryotic Animal Cells),. The question now is……what makes up the cell?????
Quick Question Answer in your Journal 1. Define an organic compound and give an example. United Streaming Organic compounds
9 week exam question 23
9 week exam question 24
Today’s Objective: Objective: Introduction to biochemistry and organic compounds Understand and be able to explain and model Transcription of DNA into RNA AND Translation of RNA into protein. Understand the effects of various types of point mutations in the production of proteins
Protein Synthesis – Like a Banana Split Activity -Working at your assigned table and group from Wed. -Complete any remaining activities from this week: Secret Code and Snoopy Snorks sheets from Monday (be sure to ask if you have questions) Protein Synthesis & the Effects of Mutations from Tuesday Banana Split Activity from Wed. **When I call you…..bring your banana split sheet from Wed for me to make your banana split Codon chart is on pg 338 of your textbook