Communication. Receiving Messages Effectively Session Outline The Communication Process Sending Messages Effectively Confrontation Breakdowns in Communication.


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Presentation transcript:


Receiving Messages Effectively Session Outline The Communication Process Sending Messages Effectively Confrontation Breakdowns in Communication Constructive Criticism

Good communication skills are among the most important ingredients contributing to the performance enhancement and personal growth of sport and exercise participants. The Communication Process

Persuasion Information Evaluation Motivation Problem solving Purposes of Communication

Types of Communication Interpersonal communication (at least two persons in a meaningful exchange) Nonverbal communication Intrapersonal communication (self-talk—the communication we have with ourselves)

The Communication Process

Sending Messages Effectively Nonverbal message characteristics 2. Physical appearance Posture Body position Gestures Touching (continued)

Sending Messages Effectively Nonverbal message characteristics 2. Facial expression Voice characteristics

Sending Messages Effectively The importance of nonverbal messages: Nonverbal messages are harder to hide and consciously control, so they are more accurate indicators of how a person feels.

Sending Messages Effectively Be direct. 1. Own your message. 2. Be complete and specific. 3. Be clear and consistent. 4. State your needs and feelings clearly. 5. Separate fact from opinion. 6. (continued)

Sending Messages Effectively Deliver messages immediately. 8. Avoid hidden agendas. 9. Be supportive. 10. Be consistent with your nonverbal messages. 11. Reinforce with repetition. 12. (continued) Focus on one thing at a time. 7.

Sending Messages Effectively Make messages appropriate to the receiver’s frame of reference. 13. Look for feedback that your message was accurately interpreted. 14.

Receiving Messages Effectively Active Listening Asking questions; paraphrasing; attending to main and supporting ideas: acknowledging and responding, giving appropriate feedback, and paying attention to the speaker’s total communication (verbal and nonverbal).

Receiving Messages Effectively Paraphrase what the speaker said. Keys to active listening Don’t mistake hearing for listening. Mentally prepare to listen.

Receiving Messages Effectively Supportive Listening Communicating that you are “with” the speaker and value his or her messages.

Receiving Messages Effectively Use supportive behaviors. Keys to supportive listening Use conforming behaviors. Use verbal and nonverbal listening behaviors.

Receiving Messages Effectively Aware Listening Realize that people react individually or differently to the way you communicate.

Receiving Messages Effectively Be flexible. Keys to aware listening Be alert for barriers and breakdowns in communication.

Breakdowns in Communication Poorly transmitted messages (ambiguity; inconsistency) Sender failures Failure to listen carefully (misinterpretation) Receiver failures

Barriers to Effective Communication Receiver not paying attention to the sender Lack of trust between the individuals attempting to communicate Socialization and hereditary differences, causing misinterpretations between the sender and receiver Differences in the mental set or perception between people (continued)

Embarrassment interferes Tendency to tell people what they want to hear Difficulties in expression or reluctance to communicate Barriers to Effective Communication

Confrontation A face-to-face discussion among people in conflict. While confrontation is often seen as negative, when properly used, it is a part of effective communication.

When to use (or avoid) confrontation Don’t confront someone when you are angry. Do confront someone when you are in control, can express your feelings constructively, and have a well-thought-out reason for doing so.

How to Confront Express feelings constructively. Think before you speak. Understand the situation and person. Be empathetic. (continued)

How to Confront Be tentative, but not wishy-washy. Proceed gradually.

Dos and Don’ts of Confronting DO convey that you value your relationship with the person. DO go slowly and think about what you want to communicate. DO try to understand the other person’s position. DO listen carefully to what the other person is trying to communicate. (continued)

Dos and Don’ts of Confronting DON’T communicate the solution. Rather, focus on the problem. DON’T stop communicating. DON’T use “put-downs”. DON’T rely on nonverbal hints to communicate your thoughts.

The Sandwich Approach to Constructive Criticism A positive statement Future-oriented instruction A compliment

Example of the Sandwich Approach “Sally, you are really working hard out there.” Positive statement: “Next time try to slow down and not get ahead of the music.” Future-oriented statement: “You’re getting there; keep up the good work!” Compliment: