Детский международный конкурс презентаций «Holiday Parade. Парад праздников» Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 14 пос. Подъяпольский» Шкотовского района, Приморского края Автор работы: Михайлов Кузьма В. уч-ся 10 класса 2013
From the late seventeenth century until the mid-nineteenth century one of the most important holidays of the year was ‘Oak Apple Day’, ‘Royal Oak Day’ or 'Arbour Day' which fell on 29th May. The day commemorated the Restoration of King Charles II in 1660 and was so called ‘Oak Apple Day’ due to his memorable escape from capture by the Roundheads after the battle of Worcester, by hiding up in an oak tree at Boscobel in Staffordshire on 6th September 1651.
In 1660, Parliament declared 29 May a public holiday: "Parliament had ordered the 29 of May, the King's birthday, to be for ever kept as a day of thanksgiving for our redemption from tyranny and the King's return to his Government, he entering London that day”
An oak apple is a red coloured swelling that appears on the branches of oak trees in late Summer, caused by burrowing, parasitic wasps they look a little like rosy red apples.
Pepys’ diary shows how quickly the Royal Oak became enshrined as a popular, patriotic cultural reference, Royal Oak pubs spring up all over the country (and still remain in most English towns), Pepys refers to one as early as The navy named a ship ‘the Royal Oak’, and the tradition of having a ship bearing that name carried on until 1938.
In some areas of the country, if you were caught not wearing a sprig of oak on this day, it was customary to be beaten with nettles. Oak Apple Day was a time for dancing and parties. To show their support for the monarchy, people wore sprigs of oak leaves or a sprig with an oak. On 29 May, children would challenge each other to show their oak sprigs or apples, and those not wearing one would face some form of punishment, varying from one place to another.
The public holiday, Oak Apple Day, was formally abolished in 1859, but the date retains some significance in local or institutional customs. Abolishment
Events still take place at Upton-upon-Severn, Northampton, Aston on Clun in Shropshire, Marsh Gibbon in Buckinghamshire, Great Wishford in Wiltshire when villagers gather wood in Grovely Wood, and Membury in Devon. The day is generally marked by re- enactment activities at Moseley Old Hall, one of the houses where Charles II hid in At some Oxford and Cambridge halls a toast is still drunk to celebrate Oak Apple Day
The Chelsea Pensioners are usually reviewed by a member of the Royal Family. During the course of this celebratory day the statue of Charles II in Figure Court is partly shrouded in oak leaves.
1) What does OAD commemorate? 2) When did the Parliament declare OAD a national holiday? 3) What is an oak apple? 4) What had been named the Royal Oak till 1938? 5) How did people show their support for the monarchy? 6) What happened in 1859? 7) Is the Day celebrated nowadays? 8) What is decorated in Chelsea on the OA Day?
References apple-day/ apple-day/ le%20day&uinfo=sw-1349-sh-659-fw-1124-fh-453-pd-1 le%20day&uinfo=sw-1349-sh-659-fw-1124-fh-453-pd-1 ple.shtml ple.shtml