GIVING HELP AND HOPE Supporting hard to reach smokers to quit – the Liverpool experience Lisa Williams – Roy Castle FagEnds Service Manager
GIVING HELP AND HOPE How do we attract clients from the most deprived communities?
GIVING HELP AND HOPE Roy Castle FagEnds Providing stop smoking support since 1994 Open rolling sessions 1 2 1’s In community settings – Libraries: GP Practices: Community Centres: Fitness Centres: Church Halls: Childrens Centres Over 70 Community sessions No waiting list or need to book
GIVING HELP AND HOPE Neighbourhood networking Link with NHS, community and Faith leads What do they want? What are their priorities? Brief intervention training Targeted health events – supermarkets: bingo halls: betting shops: pubs: credit unions Rally people to your cause so they will market your service (WIIFM)
GIVING HELP AND HOPE Why would someone want to come and see you? Would you want to attend your group? Do you know names? Do you care/just a job Keep doing the same things and you will keep getting the same results People don’t care how much you know – until they know how much you care
GIVING HELP AND HOPE Clients want to feel good? Healthy diet Confidence triggers serotonin production Exercise releases dopamine Laughter releases endorphins Trust triggers oxytocin (The cuddle hormone) Build new happy habits – rewires the brain Be positive
GIVING HELP AND HOPE How could the service be configured to ensure successful engagement?
GIVING HELP AND HOPE Constant review No barriers Easy access – e.g prams Located in right place and the right time Non judgemental Test venues out, if they don’t work move on
GIVING HELP AND HOPE Configuration – pick ‘n mix s Open rolling groups Closed groups (target relapsers) Workplace – time limited groups (6 weeks) Online forum – Quit Support Telephone support Text messages Written materials – diaries, reasons to quit
GIVING HELP AND HOPE How do we keep people in the service to track 12 week quits?
GIVING HELP AND HOPE So……. Keep ‘em coming Probability study – FagEnds Maximise 4 week quits if clients attend 7 consecutive weeks Maximise 52 week quits if clients attend 13 consecutive weeks Tell clients what you expect of them
GIVING HELP AND HOPE Use your database Make sure all data fields are completed Understand your outcomes LTF / relapse / CO validation / Quit Rates Segment your patch (neighbourhoods/settings) Consistency of advisor Individual neighbourhood and advisor outcomes
GIVING HELP AND HOPE Use your database Serial relapsers – look for patterns (recycled quitter) Identify common themes Base your provision on the profile of the individuals e.g. under 25’s: Shiftworkers: multiple relapses etc
GIVING HELP AND HOPE ‘All things to all people’
GIVING HELP AND HOPE What are your own experiences?
GIVING HELP AND HOPE Thank you for listening Lisa Williams – Roy Castle FagEnds Service Manager