1DB Mobility Logistics AG, Rail Freight Strategy (GSL 2), TEN-T Days Zaragoza Workshop 2 The TEN-T Core network from a transport operator´s perspective June 2010 DB Schenker Rail GmbH CEO Region West, Member of the Board Alain Thauvette
2DB Schenker Rail, Coordinated investment should be concentrated on a limited number of corridors showing the highest growth in traffic volumes DBSR network Core markets Markets of interest (= strategic importance) Core markets for DB Schenker Rail in Europe TEN and pan-European corridors Pan European corridors TEN corridors (rail freight) North/south axis (+36%*) –Long-distance shipments, e.g. from northern and western seaports West axis (+62%*) –Potential for increase in rail‘s modal split –Extension of Spanish corridor (e.g. automotive) East axis (+69%*) –Potential in EU accession countries –Establishment of land bridge to Asia Southeast European axis (+68%*) –Potential in EU accession countries –Link to Turkish corridor Expected growth in volume * Source: ITP/BVU for BMVBS, Forecast of transport distribution from Germany to European countries ; figures indicated are tentative estimates.
International rail transport suffers from numerous barriers. Example Opel Eisenach – Grisen (ES) Einsiedlerhof Cerbere Forbach Inter-plant shipment ESA-ZAR Eisenach Bochum Grisen Zaragoza Pl. Inbound components Inter-plant shipment in Germany International rail transport between Germany and Spain Example: Inbound automotive logistics for Opel Time sensitive transports with high quality standards Eisenach – Cerbere – Zaragoza/Grisen Barriers on the relation example A suffered delay > 60 minutes in Germany causes a loss of path in Forbach and results in a 24 hour delay A loss of path in France leads to new train number (= number of new path) that complicates train identification At German/French border a lamp has to be installed at the end of the train Change of locomotive or multi-system locomotive required Multilingual locomotive drivers required Path cancelation at short notice without automatic offer of an alternative in France Axle-gauge changeover necessary in Cerbere Shorter max. train length in Spain (400 m). Train has to be split DB Schenker Rail,
Appropriate framework conditions should foster international rail traffic growth and promote a higher rail freight share Infrastructure High-capacity European rail infrastructure to handle growing transport volumes and to take over goods from road –TEN -T Network –ERTMS-corridors –Priority Rail Freight Network Support capital intensive fields, e.g. interfaces between different transport modes –Seaport hinterland –Combined traffic terminals Effective government support for rapid ETCS implementation Effective competition European standards for technical interoperability and operational rules Longer and heavier trains (min. 750 m, tons) Acceleration of homologation procedures (cross-acceptance) Facilitation of border procedures Guarantee entrepreneurial responsibility for IT systems and data exchange European standards Effective market opening in all member states –Anti competitive practices in some Member States deter competition Guarantee non-discriminatory market access Establishment of a comparable regulatory level –Independent decisions –Sufficient human and financial resources DB Schenker Rail,