Chapter 7 Section 4 The Han Dynasty
The Han Dynasty When the Qin dynasty collapsed in 207 BC, several different groups battled for power. After several years of fighting, an army led by Liu Bang (lee-oo bang), won control. Liu Bang became the first emperor of the Han dynasty. This Chinese dynasty lasted for more than 400 years.
Liu Bang Questions/answers
Wudi Questions/answers
Check Your Important Facts! Liu Bang was different from other Chinese leaders because he grew up a peasant. He earned people’s trust and loyalty, helping him to become the first emperor to be a commoner. Confucianism was Wudi’s official governmental policy. To create a strong central government, Wudi took land from the lords and raised taxes. This made them very angry.
Family Life… Social Classes Questions/answers
Lives of Rich and Poor
Wealthy Chinese Family
Poor Peasants and Farmers These people were the “Backbone of China”
The Revival of the Family Questions/Answers
Where is their father?
H an Achievements Acupuncture Artistic bronze horse What is This unusual object?
Abacus Furnace Houseboat Ink Printing
Kites Compass Chinese Checkers Coins with holes to put on a string “Chinese Wallet”
Crossbow Fireworks Gunpowder Chinese Junk
Martial Arts Movable Print Porcelain Stirrup
Wheelbarrow Yoke Water Clock With a Sail !!!
Summary Tangrams Another Invention!!