What is WebAdvisor? WebAdvisor is an online tool designed to allow students to register for classes, make payment, and review program requirements, grades, and schedules WebAdvisor is an online tool designed to allow students to register for classes, make payment, and review program requirements, grades, and schedules
GETTING STARTED Log into WebAdvisor using your ID and password
After you log in to WebAdvisor, click on the Faculty link. After logging into WebAdvisor, click on the Students link. GETTING STARTED
WebAdvisor Options WebAdvisor is grouped into different categories: User Account information, Financial Information, Registration, and Academic Profile
User Account Information
User Account Students can make changes to their address Students can make changes to their address Students can request their username ID Students can request their username ID
User Account
Financial Information
Students can check their Account Summary in general or by term Students can check their Account Summary in general or by term Students can also make payment towards their account. Students can also make payment towards their account.
Financial Information
Registration Students can search for available sections, register for classes, and drop classes. Students can search for available sections, register for classes, and drop classes. Note: You are not registered for a class unless you receive a receipt saying you have been added to a class. Note: You are not registered for a class unless you receive a receipt saying you have been added to a class.
SEARCHING FOR CLASSES Students can search for available classes by knowing the term and class (i.e. Fall 2009 ENGL-101) Students can search for available classes by knowing the term and class (i.e. Fall 2009 ENGL-101) Students can narrow their search by specific days, times, location, and professor Students can narrow their search by specific days, times, location, and professor
Registering for Classes When registering for classes, there are several options to choose from. The most common option is to search for a class and register for it. When registering for classes, there are several options to choose from. The most common option is to search for a class and register for it. You can also register for a class with express registration if you know the exact class and section that you want to register for. You can also register for a class with express registration if you know the exact class and section that you want to register for.
Search and Register for Sections
Registration If you know exactly what class you would like to register for, you can use express registration.
Registration Regardless of which option you choose for registration, you will get the registration confirmation page. Regardless of which option you choose for registration, you will get the registration confirmation page.
Registration Confirmation Page Note that you have not registered for classes unless you receive a receipt of your actions
Academic Profile
Students can review their grades from a particular semester, check their GPA, view their unofficial transcript, review their program evaluation, view their class schedule, and review their academic profile Students can review their grades from a particular semester, check their GPA, view their unofficial transcript, review their program evaluation, view their class schedule, and review their academic profile
Checking your Grades
Checking your GPA by Term
Viewing your Transcript
Run a Program Evaluation
Run a ‘What If…’ Program Evaluation Students can run a ‘What if…’ evaluation to find out how the credits they’ve taken fit into another major.
Viewing your Class Schedule
Viewing your Academic Profile
CONCLUSION All questions regarding WebAdvisor should be directed to the Registrar (ext. 3212) All questions regarding WebAdvisor should be directed to the Registrar (ext. 3212)