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Partnership - 1 Lecture # 9
Partnership Partnership Act 1932 Partnership Deed
Law of Partnership Partners Partnership Firm
Registration of Firms The Name of the Firm –District
Registration of Firms Principal place of Business –Head Office
Registration of Firms Other Places, where Firm carries on Business –Pakistan (may be)
Registration of Firms Joining date of partners to Firms –Same date or any other
Registration of Firms Name & Addresses of Partners –Name –Father/ Husband Name –Present Address –Permanent Address –CNIC No
Registration of Firms Duration of Firm –Specific Date –Completion of Undertaking –End of Some Event
Effect of Non Registration Such Firm cannot file a suit
Effect of Non Registration Any Person cannot file a suit against such Firm
Effect of Non Registration Partner cannot enforce his rights against the such Firm
Penalty for a False Statement Fine Imprisonment for 3 months Both
Definition and Nature of Partnership Association of Two or More Persons Agreement Business Carry on by all or least one Sharing Profit
Classes of Partners Active Partner –An invested person who is involved in the daily operations of the partnership. An active partner helps run the business to enhance his or her returns and is therefore considered a material participant. This person typically shares more risk and return versus a limited or silent partner.
Classes of Partners Partner by Estoppel or Holding out –Partner by estoppel -The person who falsely represents himself as a partner is known as partner by estoppel. If a person falsely represents himself as a partner of any firm or behaves in a way that somebody can have an impression that such person is a partner and on the basis of this impression transacts with that firm then that person is held liable to the third party. –Partner by Holding out – if the firm declare that the Partner by estoppel is indeed a partner & such partner remains quite
Classes of Partners Dormant or Sleeping Partner
Classes of Partners Nominal Partner –Not entitle of Profit
Classes of Partners Partner in Profits Only
Classes of Partners Working Partner –Special Qualification
Classes of Partners Sub Partner –One Partner share his Profit
Classes of Partners Incoming Partner Retired or Outgoing Partner
Next Lecture Law of Partnership - 2