Pack 75 Popcorn Kickoff Welcome!
Activity Plan – Fall Family Campout Bowling Pinewood Derby Blue & Gold Banquet Jester Park Pinewood Derby Car Construction Campout Eggs in Space February Winter Campout Spring Family Campout Iowa Cubs baseball Summer Activities Summer Camp Italic denotes which activities have extra charges
Our Only Fundraiser Trail’s End Popcorn Our goal is to raise all the money we need to fund our ENTIRE Scouting Program. No out-of-pocket expenses for parents! Your Scouts can enjoy the entire program for FREE as long as you achieve your goal.
Our Goals Unit Sales Goal = $25,000 Scout Sales Goal = $600 Stretch Goal = $1,000
Door Prize
Better Than Ever Better flavor. Better for you. –0g trans fat in all products –Microwave and cheese popcorn are made with canola oil –All chocolate products contain NO hydrogenated oils New Flavors –Bacon Ranch in a tin (It’s Bacon!) –Sour Cream and Onion –Dark & White Chocolatey Drizzle
18-pk Microwave Popcorn Butter Light Kettle Corn Unbelievable Butter All microwave products are made with canola oil, which has 0g trans fat and low saturated fat. Canola oil is sourced from North America and doesn’t contribute to deforestation.
Chocolate Lover Collection Our Chocolate Lover's Collection Gift Box is loaded with chocolatey favorites! White Chocolatey Pretzels Milk Chocolatey Pretzels Chocolate Caramel Crunch White Chocolate Caramel Crunch
Cheese Lover’s Collection Our Cheese Lover's Collection Gift Box is loaded with cheesy favorites! Cheddar Cheese Corn Sour Cream & Cheese White Cheddar Cheese Corn
Caramel Corn Items Caramel Corn with Almonds & Pecans Butter Toffee Caramel Corn Classic Caramel Corn
New Items Dark & White Chocolatey Drizzle Bacon Ranch Tin Sour Cream & Onion
Returning Favorites Cheddar Cheese Corn Popping Corn
Popcorn For Our Troops $50 Military Donation $30 Military Donation Popcorn For Our Troops allows people to purchase popcorn for the men and women serving our country and support Scouting at the same time.
Door Prize
Three Sales Models Sell and Deliver –Through October 27 –Door to door with sign-up sheets –Return with popcorn to deliver Show and Sell –Product available immediately –Done at local stores Online
Online Selling Online selling allows you to sell to faraway friends and family. 70% of every purchase goes to our unit and council in your name. Why sell online? No deliveries! Trail’s End ships the product directly to your consumers. It’s easy! Scouts create their own accounts on to sell online. All online sales starting Aug. 1 through our council’s sale end date count toward Scout Rewards from our council and bonus rewards from Trail’s End Diverse national product line, different from our paper order form.
Selling Online is Easy You will create your own account to sell Trail’s End online. Follow these easy steps: 1.Go to 2.Click on Create An Account and fill in blank fields as prompted 3.After sign in, go to the Send s page to send s to customers -Several templates to choose from -Create your own Scout image -Don’t forget to follow up! 4.Go to Track My Online Sales to see who has made a purchase
Door Prize
NATIONAL REWARD $100 Military Club Funded by Trail’s End Any Scout who sells $100 in Military Donations earns a commemorative patch from Trail’s End. Online sales count!
Sell $1,000 Throw a PIE in your leader’s face!
Pack 75 Popcorn Rewards Secret Houses Five houses in the Hanawalt neighborhood have been told to let us know when the first Pack 75 scout comes to their door selling popcorn. These five scouts will receive an Air Storm ZX Crossbow.
Door Prize
Bonus Rewards Funded by Trail’s End College Scholarship - $2500 –6% of total sales each year is invested into a Scout’s own scholarship account. –A Scout needs to sell $2,500 just once to qualify –Online sales count!
Bonus Rewards Funded by Mid-Iowa Council Top Salesman - $1250 –Celebrate with the Iowa Wild Hockey Team –Online sales count! Grand Prize Drawing - $1500 –Enter a drawing to win a 3 day, 2 night trip for 4 to Disney World. –Package includes airfare, lodging, park tickets and a $500 gift card –Online sales count!
Blitz Week Funded by Mid-Iowa Council In the first week (entries due Oct 8): –One completed sheet earns a Delta Dart Kit –Two completed sheets earns a Knot Wristband Kit –Four completed sheets earns a BSA water bottle Note that each sheet must have thirty different buyers.
Fill ‘R Up Drawing Funded by Mid-Iowa Council Any time during the sale, if you fill up an order sheet, you qualify for an entry in a drawing for an Apple iPad Mini. All forms must be submitted by Oct 28. Note that each sheet must have thirty different buyers.
Door Prize
Achieve Your Goal! By reaching his sales goal, your son will pay for: All optional activities Registration fees Insurance Advancements Unit expenses (leader training and equipment)
Set Your Goal Write down the dollar amount you would like to sell. When you are done, you will receive another ticket.
Door Prize
Door to Door Sales Please be in uniform. Remember you are representing the Pack and Cub Scouts – be polite! Mention that you are with Pack 75. Cash/check, pay now/pay later. Donations go to the scout’s account. Role play.
Bounced Check Policy The Cub Scout and parent contacts the buyer and explains the issue. The Pack will assess a returned check fee. If further intervention is required, the den leader or pack leader will get involved.
Door Prize
Show and Sell Sales Please be in uniform. Remember you are representing the Pack and Cub Scouts – be polite! Cash/check, pay now Donations go to the pack. Proceeds from Show and Sells divided among all volunteers according to hours worked. No outside food, no eating samples, no video games, engage with customers – be friendly. Role play
Show and Sell Schedule Sat. 9/28 & Sun. 9/30: Altoona Staples & WDM Lowe’s (50 th St) Sat. 10/5 & Sun. 10/6: Altoona Staples & WDM Lowe’s (50 th St) Sign up sheets are here tonight stop by and sign up at the end.
Door Prize
Pack 75 Popcorn Kickoff Thank You!
Pack 75 News New Scout Fall Event – 9/28 –8:00am – 12 noon at the Maytag Scout Center –$5/scout or adult –Lunch from 11am – 12 noon STEM Overnight at the Science Center – 11/22 –Registration opens Oct 15 (fills fast!) –Sign Up Genius will be available before
Pack 75 News Bring your recyclables – 10/3 –Bring cardboard, newspaper, plastic, styrofoam, but no bubble wrap –Pack meeting starts at 6:30pm (earlier time) October Campout – 10/18-19 –Chichaqua County Park (NE Polk County) –Camping in tents or lodge house (no bunk beds) –Naturalist on hand for programming
Pack 75 News Reggie’s Sleepout– 11/16 –Coordinator needed Volunteer List –Please sign up – many hands make light work
Door Prize