Preliminary Solution Proposal For Data Center-Mumbai Modular Redundant Scalable UPS By Gamatronic Feb 2013
Data Center Environment: Critical IT loads. Configuration: Tier IV, 2N+1 distributed redundancy. Initial Capacity: 200KVA. Ultimate Capacity, at later-stage: 400KVA. Preferred by the user to upgrade/add capacity without load-shutdown. Requirement
Proposal A: Mega Power+
Mega Power+ Modular Redundant Scalable UPS Initial Capacity: 200KVA/KW N+1 = 225KVA/KW, total 9 power modules each 25KVA/25KW. Ultimate Capacity: 475KVA/KW N+1= 500KVA/KW, total 20 power modules each 25KVA/25KW. Hot-swap power modules, hot-swap interface controller. Distributed redundant control architecture. No load shutdown required to upgrade capacity. The upstream infrastructure need to be prepared for the ultimate final power capacity. It is possible to replace/add battery banks without to shutdown the system. The connection circuitry of the battery banks to the UPS need to be prepared accordingly. Description
Block Diagram
Mega Power+ Site Preparation
Proposal B: Parallel Power+
Power+ Modular Redundant Scalable UPS, 3 units 80KVA in parallel Initial Capacity: 3X80KVA= 240KVA= 210KVA N+3. (210KVA/168KW). Total 24 power modules each 10KVA/8KW. Ultimate Capacity: 5X100KVA= 500KVA= 450KVA N+5. (450KVA/360KW). Total 50 power modules each 10KVA/8KW. Hot-swap power modules, hot-swap interface controller. Distributed redundant control architecture. The upstream infrastructure need to be prepared for the ultimate final power capacity (of each single UPS) It is recommended to shutdown the system when adding additional UPS unit. No need to take a shutdown when adding 10KVA/8KW power modules. Each Power+ unit has its own separate battery bank. Description
Block Diagram
Parallel Power+ Site Preparation
Proposal C: Conventional Solution
Conventional 2X200KVA=400KVA=200KVA N+1 in parallel. Initial Capacity: 2X200KVA= 400KVA= 200KVA N+1. Ultimate Capacity: 3X200KVA= 600KVA= 400KVA N+1. It is recommended to shutdown the system when adding additional UPS unit. Description
ConventionalParallel Power+Mega Power+ 400KVA 200KVA N+1 240KVA 210KVA N+3 225KVA 200KVA N+1 Initial Total Capacity 600KVA 400KVA N+1 500KVA 450KVA N+5 500KVA 475KVA N+1 Ultimate Total Capacity 2X(1900X1350X800) = 1900X2700X800 3X(1550X600X950)= 1550X1800X X2200X655Initial Total Footprints (HXWXD)mm 3X(1900X1350X800) =1900X4050X800 5X(1550X600X950)= 1550X3000X X2200X655Ultimate Total Footprints (HXWXD)mm 25%41.6%44.4% Loading factor at Initial stage at 200KVA total load, at 2N+1 configuration <91%>94.5% Efficiency at given loading factor >9.8KW<5.8KW Losses at given loading factor at 100KW load Quick Comparison