Welcome to the Cardinal Newman School Year Mrs. Fetzer
Just a few things... - the course description & expectations will review much of what we discuss today - we will have a terrific year if you keep in mind the following: *there will be many new tasks this year with using the iPad *flexibility & patience will be key to avoid frustration *we can resolve issues more quickly with cooperation and an open mind * it will be imperative that you listen closely and follow directions *off-task behavior will not be conducive to a successful experience *it is expected that you make a thorough effort on everything you do in this class, including collaborative work assignments
General Expectations that begin right now * I am committed to guide you in your pursuit of an education * I firmly believe that once obtained, an education is yours and no one can take it away from you; it is your primary tool for the brightest future *therefore, I also believe that you are invested in your own future and thus, interested in it *this means, you invest daily in your future with the efforts you make each day
***keep this in mind when you enter this classroom each day*** I expect you - to make your best efforts - to listen with a goal to understand - to learn & expand your knowledge - to contribute to the learning process by being an active participant - to contribute to the learning process by following directions - to contribute to the learning process by behaving respectfully at all times
Specifically speaking... How to Listen: * when someone is talking: stop, look, be quiet & still How to be Heard: *Raise your hand, be still & quiet; & wait to be called upon How to Follow Directions: *stop, listen, & raise your hand if you don’t understand
top time wasting behaviors: * NFD - not following directions * D - disruptions (off-task behavior/remarks) *DR - disrespect * RR - restroom/water breaks If you choose these or other similar behaviors, it will be documented and when we have free time, you will not be able to participate. Additionally, your parents may be contacted or a referral may be written.
Exciting times... * This year will be exciting with the iPad * As I said, we’ll have a lot of new ways to learn & present information * We will have the most fun trying a variety of activities if you participate well * That being said, there will be some confusion… Please use the cnhs.org site and my teacher page to help you. My site is an instrumental tool that will help you in a variety of ways. On the site, you will find: -links to videos/websites/songs related to your course of study -suggestions for helpful sites & apps -directions for how to use certain tools -copies of powerpoints, homework, project directions, etc. -links to homework assignments
Course Expectations - open Showbie - join our class session with the provided code - select the appropriate course/block - select the Course Expectations assignment - read the expectations
It’s going to be a great year!