EPHESIANS 4: CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOR PART- 2 I.INTRODUCTION A.Our study on “Christian Behavior”. 1. Ephesians 4:3
2. Work Jesus died for too important to get sidetracked a) We must “agree to disagree - agreeably.” 3. Apostles, prophets, and pastor teachers, given to equipping the saints. a) If we do our part the church will grow.
4. Things we should do and not do. a) Remove from, or build “into” our lives. II.EPHESIANS 4:17-19 A.Christians must not walk, talk, nor act, like unsaved!!!
1. Verse 18 a) “Hardness of the heart” a spiritual disease! b) Unsaved engulfed in life dominating sins! c) It is their choice! (1) Romans 1:20-22 III.Ephesians 4:19
1. Refuses to accept salvation – cease to feel guilt of sins. a) Leads to bondage to those lusts. III.EPHESIANS 4:20-24 A.Christians have the truth!
1. Verses a) Romans 12:1-2 B.We have ability to become a different person. 1. 2Corinthians 5: things we should do, or not do.
IV.EPHESIANS 4:25 A.#1 STOP LYING! 1. Hurt each other by lying. 2. A Christian’s word should be his/her bond. a) John 8:44 b) Matthew 5:37 c) Proverbs 19:22
d) Honesty – the norm. V.EPHRSIANS 4:26 A.#2 WE GET ANGRY, DO NOT SIN IN PROCESS! 1. Psalms 37:8. 2. Proverbs 16:32
3. “Guidelines” for first part a) Verse 26 (1) “Deal with it”! (2) Don’t let “root of bitterness” set in. VI.EPHESIANS 4:27 A. By. – Anonymous
VII.EPHESIANS 4:28 A.#3 = QUIT BEING A TAKER AND BE A GIVER. 1. Be known for unselfish attitude. VIII.EPHESIANS 4:29
A.# 4 = WATCH WHAT COMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH. 1. Things from a Christian’s mouth should build people up. a) People getting what they don’t deserve (grace!
IX.EPHESIANS 4:30 A.#5 = NOT HURT THE CHURCH BY OUR WORDS. 1. Holy Spirit can be hurt. 2. Holy Spirit hurt when we sin against each other. X.EPHESIANS 4:31
A.#6 = BITTERNESS, VIOLENT OUTBURSTS SHOULDN’T BE A PART OF A CHRISTIAN’S LIFE! 1. Keep them under the control of the Holy Spirit. XI.EPHESIANS 4:32
A.#7 = BE KIND AND FORGIVING. 1. Romans 2:1-6 CONCLUSION A.I must be kind and forgiving to others.
1. The Lord will re-train me. a) Able to “put on the new man”!! b) God’s church worth my changing.