COUNTING IT “ALL JOY” Knowing first that troubles will come – John 16:32-33 And then adopting the attitude of the Apostles – Acts 5:40-42 We do so knowing we can rely on God Regardless of what the test may be – Prov. 30:7-9 And that by our present suffering, we grow in Christ
PRODUCING STEADFASTNESS Note that this only happens if we have the right heart But if we look for it, we can find strength – 2 Cor. 4:16-17 Going through trials in life can bring about the best in us And we arise more able to persevere the next time – Rom. 5:3-4
ASK OF GOD For wisdom, i.e. the insight to use our knowledge in a beneficial way Knowledge itself does not come miraculously from prayer, but from study – Phil. 4:8-9 This also includes asking from the right heart Asking in doubt is not trusting in the Lord – Matt. 14:30-31 Know His power and lean upon it! – Eph. 3:20-21
CONCLUSION Faith is easy to have, but can be difficult to maintain. It can be strong or frail, depending on how long one has believed & what they have gone through in life. But it is essential to pleasing God. Can your faith endure the trials of this present life?