National Care Standards Review Public Consultation.


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Presentation transcript:

National Care Standards Review Public Consultation

National Care Standards 23 different sets written for people using services What people should expect from their care/service provider Out of date originally written 2002

NCS Services for Adults Care homes for older people Support services Care homes for people with drug and alcohol misuse problems Care homes for people with learning disabilities Care homes for people with mental health problems Adult placement services Care homes for people with physical and sensory impairment Housing support services Services for people in criminal justice supported accommodation Short breaks and respite care Services for Children and Young People Adoption agencies Care homes for children and young people Childcare agencies Early education and childcare up to the age of 16 Foster care and family placement services School care accommodation services Services for Everybody Care at home Hospice care Independent hospitals Independent specialist clinics Nurse agencies Independent medical consultant and GP services Dental services

Considerations – policy landscape The Children and Young People (S) Act GIRFEC Caring Together – carers strategy 20:20 Vision and Quality strategy for NHS Scotland Integration of Health and Social Care and outcomes Changing policies and guidance

Review Teams activities: Pre-consultation events Focus groups/reference groups Liaising with HIS, MWC, SHRC Linking with SG policy leads 2 Project Board meetings

Project Board CCPS Audit Scotland Scottish Care MWC HIS SHR SSSC LA/NHS SG policy leads CI COSLA SHR Carers Scotland Police

Project Board - activities Updates on engagement activities and themes emerging Exploration of issues such as – aspirational v essential standards, use of HR based approach, who should write standards, issues of importance to sector – procurement/contracting, timing of NCS development and implementation Support setting up provider reference groups Sub group to look at specific issues Advice and contributions to paper responses on draft consultation paper

Current project team activities: Awaiting Ministerial sign-off Communication to ALL Alternative formats Consultation events for people who use services and carers and other stakeholders News articles On line surveys

Areas for consultation Human Rights emphasis Apply to all health and social care services Structure/model Content Who should develop

Proposed model Over arching standards for all services – charter Human Rights Approach Generic standards – reduce the 23 sets to a core set Management and Leadership, Quality Assurance, Personalisation, Environment/safety, Well trained and compassionate staff, Keeping well Specialist standards (pick and mix approach) Nutrition for older people, oral health, size of bedrooms in care homes, educational opportunities for children, intermediate care, financial support (incapacity), palliative care, support with medicines

What next Consultation open until early September Externally analysed Project Board (end September) Decisions re action Communication Action Plan April 2015 stage 1 of development ??