Strengthening Implementation of the EU Gender Equality Action Plan – Practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation – Bruxelles 23 March 2011 Dr. Annemarie Sancar / Senior Advisor in Gender Equality Mainstreaming EU Practitionar‘s Network - Bruxelles, March 23, 2011 Gender Equality and Mainstreaming in Swiss development Cooperation Annemarie Sancar SDC Gender Senior Advisor
SDC Gender Mainstreaming Strategies Strengthening Implementation of the EU Gender Equality Action Plan – Practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation – Bruxelles 23 March 2011 Dr. Annemarie Sancar / Senior Advisor in Gender Equality Mainstreaming Engendering organisations Gender specific programmes Gender as a transversal theme -> requires measures to integrate gender in procedures, staff compe- tence, budgets, indicators, etc. -> initiatives/budgets to address specific gender issues.
3 Strengthening Implementation of the EU Gender Equality Action Plan – Practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation – Bruxelles 23 March 2011 Dr. Annemarie Sancar / Senior Advisor in Gender Equality Mainstreaming, SDC- Gender Mainstreaming - history Milestones o Gender Responsive Budgeting Initiative (07-08), incl. checklist o indep. Evaluation (07-08), management response o Gender Analysis of Expenditures (07, 08) o Annual Progress Report I (benchmark), II (2010) o Gender Equality Network (2009) o Face to Face-events and Capitalization
4 Strengthening Implementation of the EU Gender Equality Action Plan – Practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation – Bruxelles 23 March 2011 Dr. Annemarie Sancar / Senior Advisor in Gender Equality Mainstreaming SDC- Gender Mainstreaming diversity of instruments, approaches, methods Technical Instruments and Content mechanisms Analysis of financial decisions, Q-standards (GRB) Reporting, Documenting (Annual Progress Report) Training, capacity development (functional) SDC Gender Budget, regional budgets for GM and action plans reference to local expertise, networks, NGOs, national action plans different forms of cooperation with “think tanks” Transdisciplinary space for exploring gender issues /paradigms in depth (groupe de reflexion, events) Joint actions to reframing gender concepts in strategic processes and policy (cross cutting), increasing definition of power through networking equal opportunity policy (monitoring, Logib)
5 Strengthening Implementation of the EU Gender Equality Action Plan – Practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation – Bruxelles 23 March 2011 Dr. Annemarie Sancar / Senior Advisor in Gender Equality Mainstreaming SDC- Gender Mainstreaming success stories, challenges, entry points (1) Elements of Success (Perfomance ↔ Content) Institutional Compliance (APR, standard setting), budgets Systematization, standard setting, comparability, identification of gaps Network: from micro issues to macro policies and back (exercising the aggregation of data, exchanging experiences at different levels) Conceptual debates with external stakeholders to identify stereotyped assumption and explain and critically analyse the “value added” thematic interventions in-house to foster comprehensive debates on poverty, power, sustainability and development Agenda setting in PCM: Time, Care, macro economics case studies, gender specific analysis, evaluation, discussion to turn them into public goods
6 Strengthening Implementation of the EU Gender Equality Action Plan – Practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation – Bruxelles 23 March 2011 Dr. Annemarie Sancar / Senior Advisor in Gender Equality Mainstreaming SDC- Gender Mainstreaming success stories, challenges, entry points (2) Challenges – and entry points for action! volatility of responsibilities and functions decentralized structure, tracks of communication institutional environment for data transport value of expertise for monitoring (gender, poverty, discrimination) lack of sex-disaggregated data and gender analysis for baselines and implementation Fragmentary reporting on gender issues in certain areas of interventions, blurred theories of change for gender equality Tracking without expertise risk to reduce & falsify issue