Workshop IV Current Developments in Digital Trust
Web Presence Web Presence Services Telecom Services What is Digital Trust Payment Services Physical World Digital World Security Services Who are you ? Where do I find you ? How can I learn more about you? Do you have the right to? Can I trust you? Are you legitimate? How can we work together? How will you pay me? How can I prove the transaction? How can you talk to me? Where can I find you?
Web Presence Services Company name Domain name Who are you? Where can I find you? How do I learn more about you? I learn more about you? Physical World Digital World Logo, business card, stationery, etc. Domain pagesProduct Brochure
Security Services Digital Certificates Secure Access Entitlement Management Website Certificates Signatures Locks, doors Passwords, Codes D&B number Can I trust you? Are you legitimate? Do you have the right to…? Physical World Digital World
Payment Services Payment Gateway Digital receipts Credit card, check Physical receipts How will you pay me? How can I prove the transaction? Physical World Digital World
The Old Process Source: Forrester; Winning with Healthcare Data Presentation
Trust Drives Process Automation 1. Patient needs care 2. Paper-free check-in 3. Eligibility verified 4. Diagnosis and treatment 5. Claim submitted in real time or EDI 6. Claim re-priced/resolved 7. Funds transferred/EOB printed Source: Forrester; Winning with Healthcare Data Presentation
How Physician Authentication Works Professional Internet ID Holder Relying Party AMA Internet ID Issuing Service VeriSign Healthcare Authentication Service Identity and Data Asset DBs
XML Digital ID Validation Yes, Tom Smith’s Certificate Is Valid XML (XKMS) Request Message XML (XKMS) Response Message Healthcare Authentication Services Trust Assertion Servers Any App Can Easily Be Trust Enabled End User e-Claims Web Services “I, claims manager Tom Smith, would like to check eligibility for patient Jim Shorts, on behalf of Dr. Lee” “Is this really Tom Smith and is his certificate valid?” What rights have been assigned by Dr. Lee to Tom Smith? Tom Smith’s profile: can access claims and patient records on behalf of Dr. Lee. SAML Response Message
More information on XML PKI Industry wide XML standards Accepted as a W3C project
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