GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#9, , June 2012, Mumbai 1 GISFI#9 Green ICT Working Group: Activity Update and Agenda Company:NEC Corporation Author(s):Chair Contact Purpose:Discussion and Approval Document nr.:GISFI_GICT_
2 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#9, , June 2012, Mumbai Achievements of GISFI#8 Approved WIDs –WID on Energy Efficiency Measurement Metrics for Green ICT; GISFI_GICT_ –WID on Global Green Mobile Charger (approved in principle, awaiting IIIT-A input); GISFI_GICT_ TRs approved: –TR-GICT.102v100 Study on Potential enhancements of ICT –TR-GICT.103v100 Study on usage of ICT to make other sectors green –TR GICT.105v100 Study on Metrics and Measurement Methods for Energy Efficiency
3 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#9, , June 2012, Mumbai Action of GISFI#8 1/2 LSes: –Re-send LS to TEC on “GISFI Input to TEC-NWG5 on Measurement of Energy Efficiency of Network Infrastructure”; GISFI_GICT_ –Send LS to ATIS on “Introduction to GISFI Green ICT working group energy efficiency activity”; GISFI_GICT_ –Send LS on “The latest version of GISFI energy efficiency TR”; GISFI_GICT_ Start relation with TEC to work together on Green ICT Identify requirements set by Indian government on Green ICT and provide input
4 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#9, , June 2012, Mumbai Action of GISFI#8 2/2 Add green agriculture in TR-GICT.103v100 Study on usage of ICT to make other sectors green; GISFI_GICT_ Check “Green Energy” related activities in India, enhance document GISFI_GICT_ Scope and ToC for TS on Energy Efficiency Measurement Metrics for Green ICT Input from VNL regarding GSM for WID on Energy Efficiency Measurement Metrics for Green ICT
5 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#9, , June 2012, Mumbai Agenda GISFI#9 Comments on TR GICT.105; Ericsson Energy Efficiency Measurement Metrics for Green ICT; Ericsson Review and approve GICT.103; NEC LS to TEC; Krishna Sirohi