11-3 Multiplying Rational Expressions Algebra 1 Glencoe McGraw-HillLinda Stamper
Because the variables in a rational expression represent real numbers, the rules for multiplying rational expressions are the same as the rules for multiplying fractions. Remember you CAN cross cancel a multiplication problem! 1 2x 1
Simplify. The problem. Multiply numerators Multiply denominators. 1 1 Check if answer is simplified. Cross cancel, if possible. Difference of two squares. Notice the answer is left in FACTORED form! Factor.
Simplify. Example 1 Example 2Example 3
Example 1 Simplify. 1 5 If you do not cross cancel, multiply the numerators, multiply the denominators and then simplify.
Example 2 Simplify. 1 / / 1
Example 3 Simplify. Remember you can cancel factors but not terms. 1
White Board Practice
Simplify. 1)
Simplify. 2) 1 1
Simplify. 3) 2 1
Simplify. 4) 1 1
5) Simplify.
Simplify. 6) 1
Simplify. 7) 1 1 2
Simplify. 8) 1 1
Simplify. 9) 1 1 1
Simplify. 10) 1 1 1
11-A3 Page # 9–22,49-53.