GREAT NEPAL! BEAUTIFUL NEPAL!!! Offers you the world of Nepalese hospitality. First of all By Sanju kunwar Namaste
INTRODUCTION: LOCATION: South Asia Mountainous, landlocked AREA: 1,47,181 POPULATION: Over 20 million. NEIGHBOURS : China and India LATITUDE: deg. N LONGITUDE: deg. S CLIMATE: Humid sub tropical Summer (mar-sep) winter (oct-feb) Only the Hindu kingdom. Birth place of lord Gautam Buddha A small country situated on the lap of the Himalayas. Nepalese people renowned as brave “Gorkhalis.” Nepal “the zone of peace” “A common Garden of 4 caste and 36 sub castes.” A country with “Unity in Diversity.” NEPAL,the roof of the world
NATURAL HERITAGES OF NEPAL. 1. WATER RESOURCES: Sources of hydro electricity Nepal has capacity to produce 83,000 mega watts of electricity. Nepal is the second largest country in water resources.
2. MOUNTAINS. The beauty of “MT. EVEREST” is sparkling in every Nepalese heart. “A roaring sensation of thrill and enchantment. Nepal is a true mountainous country So Nepal is known as the “The Head of the Sky” These are the main source of income of Nepal. Nepal “The Roof of the World”
3. FORESTS AND WILDLIFE: There are: 8 National Parks 4 Wildlife Reserve 3 Conservation Areas A Hunting Reserve The lowlands with subtropical jungles to arctic conditions in the Himalayas engulfs virtually all topography and climate found on Earth,in this varied ecology you will get to see the rich varieties of flora and fauna. In nutshell the forest with different topography across the kingdom pave the way for human to enjoy nature.
CULTURAL HERITAGES : The seven cultural heritages have been listed under The World Heritage List. BouddhanathChangu Narayan Swayambhunath LumbiniKatmandu Durbar SquarePatan Durbar Square Bhaktapur Durbar Square. A Land of Living Goddess
ECONOMY: Agriculture:About 92% people are engaged in agriculture. Rafting Tourism is also the main soure of income of local Nepalese. Trekking Nepal offers the exotic places, adventures and excitements for all mankind to last upon the lifetime. Different exotic places
Nepal The zone of Peace!!! Two eyes of swayambhunath spreads the message of peace in the world. Sagarmatha has always inspired the world to remain united and always to work for the mankind. Gautam Buddha “The Light of Asia.”
Great Nepal! Thank you ! Beautiful Nepal