Regional Roads Strategy David Hitchcock LGA Roads and Works Conference 28/8/14 Port Lincoln
Regional Roads Strategy Local Government in South Australia manages and maintains approximately 75,000 kms of road, representing approximately 85 % of the total road network in South Australia
SA Regional LGA s -represent 50 Regional/Rural Councils –Murray and Mallee Region –Eyre Peninsula Region –Central Region –South East Region –Southern and Hills Region Regional Roads Strategy
Each SA Regional LGA has an individual Regional Transport Plan and the Metropolitan Group of Councils have a less formal Roads Hierarchy Regional Roads Strategy
Special Local Roads Program During the period 2009/10 to 2013/14 the SLRP has allocated $48.31 million across the state. With inclusion of Council contributions to funded projects this equates to an investment in the order of $74 million
Overarching Regional Roads Strategy from information contained within the five regional LGAs Plans. a linked and strategic view i.e. put all the separate pieces of the jigsaw into one overview.
Developing a Local Government Roads Strategy Common Goals Methodology Terminology Road Classification Regional Strategy Time Frames Action Plans
Interfacing between Local, State and Federal Planning
Show me the money
What's next Consultation with Regional LGAs and Councils on the draft regional Roads Strategy and subsequent endorsement of the final Plan.