Electronic Commerce Computer Engineering Department
Instructor: Dr. Isaai TA: Nima Kordzadeh To contact you can send to ce.sharif.edu Course timetable: Sunday & Tuesday 7:30 – 9:00
Evaluation Mark ( percent)Date 30%Week 9Mid term 15%During TermQuiz 10%During termProject-Presentation 15%Week 20Project Report 30%Week 17Final
Major Topics ChapterTopic 1Overview of E-Commerce 2E-Marketplaces 3Retailing in E-Commerce 4Consumer Behavior, Advertisement 5B2B Commerce 8E-Government 9Mobile Commerce 11E-Commerce security 12Electronic Payment Systems
About researches Each group should contain 2 or 3 students 2 Marks:Presentation,3 Marks:Final document Each research should have definite references Presentation time: 20 minutes. Every group members should participate in presentation.
Some suggested Topics of research ChapterTopic 1E-business plans vs. traditional BP 3 Business intelligence, shopbots & other tools & software agents for customer purchase decision aid 9,4What is RFID and how can it be applied in Iran? 12Smart Cards; hardware & software components, standards & its situation in Iran
Some suggested Topics of research ChapterTopic 13CRM, its technology & EC connection. 16Website evaluation methods & tools. -Suggest a new business case for a known company in Iran & explain how EC can affect its business.