Smart Options Career Exploration Based on Multiple Intelligences
Who is the smartest person you know?
Theory Smart Howard Gardner, 1983, Frames of the Mind: Options Theory Howard Gardner, 1983, Frames of the Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences - Functionality, utility or value of behavior to society - Exceptional people – 1 area, under-developed in others Thomas Armstrong, 1993, 7 Kinds of Smart: Identifying and Developing Your Many Intelligences Daniel Goleman, 1995, Emotional Intelligence
Theory Gardner Armstrong Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence Body Smart Interpersonal Intelligence (EI) People Smart (EI) Intrapersonal Intelligence (EI) Self Smart (EI Linguistic Intelligence Word Smart Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Logic Smart Musical Intelligence Music Smart Naturalist Intelligence Nature Smart Spatial Intelligence Picture Smart
Guiding Principles Smart Options Guiding Principles Intelligence is pluralistic and multi-dimensional 2. Multiple intelligences are inherent in all people 3. Multiple intelligences can be identified and described 4. Multiple intelligences can be developed and strengthened 5. Everyone has a unique mix of multiple intelligences
Guiding Principles 6. Everyone is entitled to recognize, express and cultivate her/his intelligence 7. Intelligences constantly interact in our motivation, attitudes and behavior 8. Knowledge of one’s intelligences enhances self –esteem and self-confidence 9. Knowledge of one’s intelligences stimulates self-direction and self-reliance 10. Multiple intelligences are a good bases for exploring life and work options
Lesson Plan One Discover and Assess Your Smarts Smart Objectives Options Lesson Plan One Discover and Assess Your Smarts Objectives Introduce participants to multiple intelligences and help them assess their smarts 1 to 1 ½ hours Activities Changes in the work world. How many expect … ? Explore the concept of intelligence (5 people, test items, canoe – capacity to adapt) Introduce 8 smarts Participants assess their smarts Suggested variations
Lesson Plan Two Practice Using Smart Ideas Smart Objectives Options Lesson Plan Two Practice Using Smart Ideas Objectives Increase familiarity with smarts and explore their role in work settings 1 to 1 ½ hours Activities Identify the main and secondary smarts in job examples (Chef in expensive hotel, creativity) Identify the relevance of identified smarts in example jobs Smarts and life choices
Smart Options Lesson Plan Three Create Your Smarts Profile and Explore Career Possibilities Objectives Teach participants to generate their Smarts Profiles and research potential career domains using their profiles 1 to 1 ½ hours (additional research time by participants) Activities Participants create their Smarts Profiles (check distribution of strongest smarts) Putting Smarts Profiles to work Converting occupational profiles to smart occupational profiles
Lesson Plan Four Build Your Smarts Smart Objectives Options Lesson Plan Four Build Your Smarts Objectives To reinforce that awareness of smarts enhances employability and capacity to adapt in all aspects of life, to establish that smarts can be developed and strengthened, and to provide suggestions for building smarts ½ hour Activities Discuss advantages of seeing oneself in terms of 8 smarts Review strategies for building smarts
Career Building Principles Connecting to the Real Game Smart Options The High Five Career Building Principles Focus on the journey, not the destination. Become a good traveler. You’re not alone. Access your allies, and be a good ally. Change is constant, and brings with it new opportunities. Learning is lifelong, and it’s good. We are most alive when we are learning. Know yourself, believe in yourself and follow your heart.
For more information Vicki Gray New York State Department of Labor Career Resource Network Office 518-402-0440